Bang Chan- Cold pt1

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You were on your way to your friend Seungmin's house, so you could walk to school together. Rain started to pour and unfortunately, you had forgotten your umbrella. "I'll have to see if Seungmin has a spare one." You thought.

A guy, probably from your school, saw you and came towards you.

"Forgot an umbrella?" He asked with a grin. You rolled your eyes. "Isn't that obvious?".

"Here take mine, I have another one." He said while handing you his.

You accepted it and continued your journey to Seungmin's house.

Annoyingly, the guy followed you. "The school is that way, why walk here?" He asked and pointed in the direction of the school. "I have to pick my friend up." You answered coldly.

He looked much older than you, but he was still a kid, so you didn't care if you disrespected him.

"What's her name?" He asked trying to start a conversation. "His name is Seungmin."

"Oh, sorry I didn't know it was a guy" He said embarrassed.

He continued to follow you all the way to Seungmin's house. You stopped in front of the gate. "I'm here now so you don't have to follow me anymore." You turned around and went up to the door.

He didn't move, he just stood and stared. "That means it's time to go. You'll miss school if not." You said. 

"Why are you being so cold?" He asked. You shrugged and rang the doorbell. The guy sighed but didn't walk away.

Seungmin opened the door. "Are you ready?" You asked with a smile. "Yeah, but who's that?" He asked and pointed to the dude.

"Why are you still here?" You asked looking annoyed at him. "I'm gonna miss school anyways, better if we do it all together." He replied. You rolled your eyes while Seungmin stared confused. "Let's just go then." You said giving up.

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