Bang Chan - Push ≠ Fall

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(Better short than nothing right?...)

You checked your watch.



You had one last look behind you before sneaking through an open window into the natatorium.

=(Swimming pool place idk. It's what Google calls it, though my South African friend says, she doesn't use the word lol. I couldn't figure out what else to call it.)

Every night after closing time, you would come here by yourself to get some relaxation. Sure, it was illegal, but it wasn't like you were stealing anything. You were just having a bit of... Fun.

You changed into your swimming costume and went to the pools. The lights were strangely still on.

"Maybe they forgot to turn them off."  You thought and brushed it off lightly.

Suddenly you heard a splash coming from the other side of the room. You quickly turned your head 90° degrees and found yourself looking at a guy around your age.

Why was he here, and how did he come in?

"Hey! What are you doing here?" You called to him.

He looked to you surprised, yet calm. "I could ask you the same thing." He replied and grinned.

You rolled your eyes. Fair.

"Well are you gonna come in?" He asked.

You scoffed and jumped into the pool, making sure to look as elegant and smooth as possible. Why?

There was actually no particular reason. Just to look cool maybe.

"What's your name?" You asked and studied the guy. He had broad shoulders and a fineee sixpack-

"I'm Chan." He answered. "And you?"

"Y/N." You extended your hand, which he gladly shook.

"How did you get in here? It's past closing time." You asked.

He smiled lightly. "Well... I saw you climbing through the window last night, and decided to find out what you were up to. You should really check your surroundings an extra time."

"Don't tell me what to do! I always look around thoroughly before climbing in." You answered annoyed. Now that he knows of your secret, you probably had to find a new healing spot.

"If you say so." He said with a grin and swam away.

"Hey! Where are you going!?" You yelled after him.

"To the springboards. Try to catch up if you can." He yelled back to you.


-You spent the next few hours getting to know each other. He was actually quite nice and was reallyyy handsome. You didn't allow yourself to think of that though.-

Chan pulled himself up from the water and stood on the edge. "Y/N come up with me! I want to show you something."

You swam over, and he helped you up.

"What is it you want to-" Before you could finish the sentence, Chan had pushed you into the water.

"Ya!!! You little- Ugh!" He just kept smiling at you, as you scolded him.

"You're so cute." He suddenly said.

You stopped yelling at him. "What-?"

He chuckled and got into the pool again. "You heard what I said."

You blushed as he got closer.

"You've fallen for me. I can see it in your eyes." He told.

You shook your head. "I didn't fall, I was pushed."

"Tomaito - Tomahto, Potaito - Potahto." He said and moved his face close to yours.

"What are you doing?..." You asked but didn't move.

He looked deep into your eyes and smiled. "I think I was pushed as well."


He stopped your sentence by kissing you lightly. 

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