Hyunjin - Just an Act pt 2

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The play was coming to an end. There were a lot more people than you had imagined, but that just made it all better.

You had 1 more line left and Hyunjin had 2, when you spotted his girlfriend in the crowd.

You couldn't really make out her facial expression, but it was surely mixed with a lot of thought.

The scene you had anticipated and practised so much for was coming up soon.

Hyunjin said his last line and pulled you close. He locked his eyes with yours and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks.

You knew the director liked that though. He said it looked very "natural" with a little blush.

Hyunjin gave your back a reassuring squeeze and kissed you softly.

The crowd began cheering and clapping while the curtains closed, but you didn't miss a certain someone leave the auditorium.

You let out a sigh of relief after the curtains had closed completely and thanked the other actors for their hard work.

Right before leaving to go backstage, Hyunjin grabbed your wrist.

"I- Y/N. Uhm... I wanted-"

"Hwang Hyunjin!!! How dare you kiss that Zombie Jerk Idiot!??" Hyunjin's girlfriend interrupted and slapped him hard on the cheek.

You stepped a bit back to give them space, but then she began attacking you.

"Where do you think you're going!?? You knew he was taken, but you probably thought you were better than me!???"

"Hey, don't bring Y/N into this." Hyunjin defended you.

Your head was spinning. It made sense of her to react like this, but hadn't Hyunjin prepared her for the kiss already?

She gasped loudly. "I should have known long ago... You like her don't ya?? It has always been about her, hasn't it?"

Hyunjin remained silent but kept his eyes on hers.

"I knew it. I won't stand in your way anymore then. Go enjoy yourself with your new girlfriend Hwang, because you won't see me no more." She said and left while sobbing.

You looked at him confused. What had just happened?

"I'm sorry Y/N... I didn't mean for it to go this far." He responded to your bewildered look.

"What did she mean when she said you liked "her" ?" You asked.

He sighed and took a deep breath. "I like you Y/N. And... I might have felt that for more than a year now."

Your confused eyes turned shocked. "Didn't you get with your Girlfriend- I mean... Ex, like last month?"

He nodded sadly. "I know it was wrong of me and I regret it very much. I understand if you don't want to get with me."

"Are you asking me out???" You asked, trying to keep up with all the different emotions jumping around within you.

"Well... If you say yes, then I am." He said and grinned slightly.

You couldn't help but blush. "I would love to be your girlfriend Hyunjin." 

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