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Minho ran in his dance studio with the pills in his backpack and he had to remember because now Jisung wouldn't be here to help him even if he called. Chan looked up and frowned. Before he could say anything, Minho spoke first.

"Guys I.. Jisung got in jail and it's my fucking fault... Do y'all know how to earn money quick to bail him out?"

"In jail?! How?? Well yes I know he used to stalk but like.. When is he allowed to leave?" Chan replied, alert and cautious.

"Around three whole years.. I can't do that... I think the court is held today later.. C-can you guys come with me? I did some research and if there were some sort of mental disability or something he might be let go.. Sung has a real messed up backstory and.. yeah just please! And I really hate to ask but if I have to bail him out could I uh.. borrow some money?" Minho blurted out, still blaming himself for everything.

"Of course, I'll come with you. I'm not busy this afternoon, do you know when it is?" Chan smiled warmly as he took out his phone and checked his schedule.

"Like.. 7 PM? I'm leaving early to go visit Sung before hand.." Minho sighed as he plopped down on the floor and everyone looked at him, concerned.

"Do you know how much bailing him out would cost?" Hyunjin joined in as he rested his head on Jeongin's shoulder.

"No.. not yet. I think I should have sufficient funds though considering my job and things.." Minho shrugged. He was pretty rich from his songs and dance covers but he wasn't sure if it really was enough to get Jisung out of jail.

"Well good luck, I have a photoshoot with Binnie and Seungmo  for a magazine later so we can't come.. I'm rooting for you though, Minho hyung!" Felix cheered as he gently caressed Minho's arm.

Minho grinned weakly before all of them went their directions to start work for the day. Minho was once again with Hyunjin for dance class so the two walked in the studio and sat on the sofa, a certain distant apart from the other. Minho sighed again as he took out his phone and stared at the wallpaper of him and Jisung. Then all of a sudden, an aching headache bursted in his head and he immediately dug in his bag for the medication. He couldn't risk getting an episode now with Jisung locked up behind bars. He chugged down a pill and the headache stopped to his relief.

Hyunjin looked up and Minho shook his head indicating that he was fine so Hyunjin went back to texting Jeongin on his phone. Minho stared at Hyunjin smiling so brightly while chatting with Jeongin and he couldn't help but wince as he thought of what Jisung was possibly going through right now. Sure, the person who hit him was executed but Jisung was all alone in the cell with nothing to do. 

The day passed by so slowly. Too slow. Way too slow. When Minho's last vocal training session was done, he immediately rushed out the building and took a taxi to the court. He quickly registered himself in and the first thing he saw when he entered the room was Jisung sitting soullessly on a bench, staring at the pure white walls. Minho shuddered and when he got closer, he saw tears running down the side of Jisung's cheeks. 

This was the first time Minho saw Jisung cry since they've met so Minho got extremely worried and immediately sprinted over and Jisung wiped away a tear when he finally noticed Minho approaching. Minho bent down and held Jisung's hands in his, obviously worried.

"What's wrong, Sung? Did someone hurt you again?" Minho said as he squeezed Jisung's hands.

"No.. I'm just mad at myself. I shouldn't have left to the orphanage that day and stayed with you. If I didn't go then I wouldn't be here and causing all this hassle. Ugh.. I'm so worried about you Min, did you have any episodes lately?" Jisung shook his head and traced his fingers on Minho's face.

Minho thought back to how he almost had one earlier in the morning but he didn't want Jisung to worry so he shook his head. 

"We'll get you out of here, okay? I researched on t-" Minho said as he ruffled Jisung's hair but Jisung cut him off before he could finish.

"We? Who else is coming? Oh god did I drag your friends in too? I'm so sorry.. fuck." Jisung buried his face in his hands.

"Well only Chan is coming along. Don't blame yourself, please. I was the one who forgot my phone and I should've told you I was leaving. Anyways articles said if you had a mental disorder or some extremely traumatic and reasonable experience, they'll let you out. Considering your past well.. yeah."

Jisung nodded as he straightened his back and stretched. He patted the spot next to him on the bench and Minho also plopped down next to him. The guard came over and was just about to pull Minho away from Jisung when Jisung grabbed Minho's collar and kissed him on the lips. Both Minho and the guard was shocked, for different reasons of course. 

Minho moaned softly in Jisung's mouth as Jisung rested his hand on the back of Minho's neck. The two separated after a long passionate kiss and Minho wiped his lip, grinning slightly. Jisung realised that was the first kiss they've had when Minho was in his normal state and he started panicking, afraid that Minho might get an episode. Minho put a hand on Jisung's arm telling him to calm down and Jisung smiled.

"You're improving.. Oh fuck Min, that was good. Thank you, baby. I love you so so so much words can't describe it."

"I love you too, Sung."

Eyes On You. // Minsung [PT. 1]Where stories live. Discover now