Even Hans had reported to them about it, saying the Vice Captain was responsible for it. Adara wanted to see the expression on Hilsman's face when he found out just how ignorant and stupid he was being. Except, she didn't want to think about how the Vice Captain might take it the wrong way and end up getting beat up. That would be too annoying to deal with.

She climbed into the carriage with Cale behind her. After antagonising Choi Han, the Vice Captain appeared in front of the carriage door. He was smiling. "Young Master and Mistress, shall we leave now?"

Cale gave him a short answer, "Yes, let's go." Before slamming the carriage door in his face.

Inside the carriage were only Adara, Cale, the two kittens who, once again, were climbing all over Adara, and a weird, small black box. "15 soldiers, 5 knights, and one special guard," Adara started. "Think it will be enough that we don't die?"

Cale gave her a viciously sly smile. "I think Choi Han would've been enough, but the more, the merrier."

All of a sudden, as soon as they left the Henituse Territory and entered the mountain area, the carriage came to a stop. Tens of bandits showed up in the valley, screaming all sorts of ridiculous things. One of the only intelligible things Adara heard was so absurd, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Pay the toll if you want to cross this mountain!"

"Take out everything you have! If we found anything after you claim to have taken everything out, it will be 1 slap for every 1 bronze we find!"

Cale looked out the window, slightly peeking, but then turned back to them. On was stretched on Adara's lap, while Hong had decided he liked her hair a lot and currently was sitting on her head, somehow managing to stay on when she moved her head without digging his claws into her scalp with the power of cats.

"You think they can't see the symbol on our carriage?" Cale asked.

"I guess so," On replied, yawning.

"I do not know what to expect from bandits who are such cowards," Adara responded. "Hiding behind numbers."

"Idiots!" Hong exclaimed upon his throne of hair. "Beginners!"

Adara laughed, but her laughter was cut short when knocking came from the small window by the driver's seat. The window opened and Ron looked inside. "Young Master and Mistress, it looks like we will need to take a break. There seem to be quite a lot of rabbits here." He saw Cale flinch, and he smiled before adding on. "Ah, this rabbit is different from the rabbit I was going to catch for you, Young Master and Mistress. Of course, these rabbits will not be caught by me but by other people."

He closed the window, and Adara turned to look out her window to see the bandits. "Should I join?" she asked, rhetorically.

Cale looked at her with a measuring look. "Do you have a weapon?"

She brought out the small black box. The kittens looked at her, in anticipation. They didn't know what to expect. They had seen the black box earlier, and they asked multiple questions about it, but she wouldn't answer any of them. Adara put her fingerprint on the lock, and after it opened with a small noise, stuck her arm in it, seemingly searching for something. The rest of the people in the carriage stared in shock as her arm went in until her elbow. She caught onto something and pulled it out. The thing she pulled out, turned out to be a sword. 

An obsidian, gleaming sword came out. It was beautiful, albeit super sharp and dangerous-looking. Cale and the kittens had seen a couple swords in their lifetime, except this sword was different. Something was wrong with it. But their thoughts were interrupted as she sighed. "Nah, too much work. I'll just leave it to Choi Han." And she left the sword back in the small box, before putting it back where it originally was and acting as if she had never done anything in the first place.

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