Chapter 62) Cough

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"Rick!! Daryl!!" Y/N screams.

The two men are digging graves for the lives lost during the D block attack. They drop the shovels and go running.

The reason? The outer fence has a massive walker pileup, and the fence is about to crash down.

As they get closer, she yells out to them. "The noise drew 'em out and now this part's starting to give."

She slides her sword through the gaps and stabs a couple in the head.

Tyreese, Sasha, Maggie, and Glenn are also there to help. Each taking their weapons and trying to clear the cluster leaning against the fence.

Suddenly Y/N looks down and gasps. "Are y'all seeing this?"

Down by the fence line, is a pile of dead rats.

"Is someone feeding these things?" She pants.

The fence starts to give more and they all rush to hold it up. They're all screaming and grunting.

After a moment they pull away. The fence isn't collapsing for the time being.

"If the fence keeps bending in like that, those walkers are gonna come over." Sasha says.

Rick glances around. "Daryl get the truck. I know what to do."

Maggie pushes open the gate, allowing the truck to be driven out. Rick is in the back. He's holding a large box, and inside that box, are the pigs.

They're sick anyways, and it'll help draw the walkers away. He grabs one of them and cuts a large slice into its torso. He does it again. And again.

While they take care of that, Y/N and Glenn put large pieces of wood to help support the fence.

Once back inside the field, everyone takes a breather. "That should hold. For now." Rick says wiping the pig blood off his face.

Y/N nods. "Yeah. But we're gonna need to deal with it sooner or later. That wood won't hold forever."
Y/N covers her mouth in disgust. The two burnt bodies lay before them. Karen and David.

Someone dragged them outside, and set them on fire. Tyreese is hysteric. Rick, Daryl, and Carol stand outside as well.

The smell is unbearable. She has to look away.

Tyreese shoves Rick. He wants revenge. Daryl tries to calm him down gets pushed against a set of metal bars. Y/N grips her sword but Daryl holds up his hand.

Rick steps forward. "We've all been there. We've all lost someone, but... you gotta calm down."

Tyreese whips around and shoves Rick again. "Back the hell up!"

"She wouldn't want you being like this." Rick says.

Suddenly Rick gets knocked to the ground. Tyreese punched him.

"Stop!" Y/N yells.

He doesn't. He punches Rick again.

Rick stands up and punches Tyreese. He keeps doing it. Daryl pulls Rick away.

"Stop, brother!"

Y/N covers her mouth again. Carol grabs her arm, and pulls her further from the fuming men.

Somebody murdered Karen and David. Somebody in the prison. Somebody is feeding the walkers. The fence is about to collapse.

Y/N hunches over and vomits all over the concrete. She notices a fully undigested pill in the pile of gunk. She wipes her mouth.

Carol helps her stand, her face pale at the sight. Y/N starts to cough. She steps back from the group who now watch her nervously.

She backs herself against a wall. The coughing doesn't stop. Blood comes out.

She leans over and vomits again. "I-" Cough. "Need-" Cough. "Dr. S." She collapses to the ground, feeling suddenly dizzy.

Her head is spinning and her vision blurs.

Daryl doesn't hesitate to pick her up, bridal style and carry her back inside, not caring about her being sick.

Everything is falling apart.
Inside block A, people are incredibly sick. Inside one of the cells, someone is already a walker.

Caleb, the doctor limps up to them. "We have to tell them... it's starting."
Hershel, Carol, Glenn, Daryl and Michonne all sit around in the library. Glenn's head is in his hands.

"It's spread. Everyone who survived the attack in cell block D. Sasha, Caleb, and now Y/N." Hershel tells them.

Carol sighs. "What do we do?"

"First things first. Cell block A is isolation. We keep the sick people there like we tried with Karen and David."

"What the hell are we gonna do about that?" Daryl asks.

"We'll ask Rick to look into it. Try to make a timeline of who was where, and when." Carol replies.

She looks at Hershel. "What are we gonna do to stop this?"

He shakes his head. "There is no stopping this. You get it, you'll have to go through it."

Michonne sighs. "But it just kills you?"

She thinks about Y/N. All alone, locked in a cell, surrounded by sick people. She's already gone through enough.

"The illness doesn't. The symptoms do. We need antibiotics." Hershel says.

"We've been through every pharmacy nearby. And then some." Daryl says.

"That veterinary college at West Peachtree Tech, that's one place people may not have thought to raid for medication. The drսg for animals there are the same we need."

Daryl sighs. "That's fifty miles. Too big a risk before. Ain't now. I'm gonna take a group out. Best not waste anymore time."

"I'm in." Michonne says.

Hershel turns to her. "You haven't been exposed. Daryl has. You get in a car with him..."

She tilts her head. "For Y/N. We can't lose her."

Hershel nods. "I can lead the way. I know where everything's kept."

"When we're out there, it's always the same. Sooner or later we run." Daryl says.

Hershel sighs. "I'll draw you a map."

Daryl nods. Hershel speaks again. "There's no telling how long it'll take you to get back. In the meantime, there are other precautions we should take. Separate the most vulnerable. Children. Elders."

Glenn suddenly coughs. He stands and backs away. He coughs again. Hershel lowers his head.

Glenn rubs his eyes. "I have it."

Daryl and Michonne look at each other. "We gotta go. Now."

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