Chapter 41) Survivors

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Inside the cell block, Lori, Carol and Beth watch as the group prepare weapons and armor to go further inside, in search of more supplies.

Carl tries trying on a helmet but Rick pulls it away and tells him he isn't going and that he's needed back in the cells. Carl reluctantly agrees and the group exits.

Rick leads the way with Daryl. T-Dog and Hershel are next, Glenn and Y/N and then Maggie and Archer in the back.

They move slowly and quietly, stepping over dead bodies in the corridors.

Glenn paints arrows on the walls so they know how to get back.

Y/N bumps into Daryl and gasps, covering her mouth. They keep turning corners when suddenly they run into a group of walkers in prison uniforms.

Rick looks back and tries to motion them away quietly but it's too late. They've been spotted. "Go back! Go back!"

Formation is lost as the group run back the way they came, trying to maneuver their way through the dark hallways. Y/N and Archer get split up and they run into another cluster of the dead, cutting them off.

Archer grabs her arm and pulls her into a side room, shutting the door behind him. Their breathing is rough as they huddle in the small space.

She hears groaning outside, and voices shouting for the two. The noises become more muffled and distant, and finally silence. Y/N gently pushes open the door and glances down both halls. She nods at Archer and they walk out.

"Glenn? Rick?" Y/N calls.

She hears a voice from a few halls over. "Y/N?" It's Daryl.

She and Archer quickly make their way back to the group, where Hershel steps over a slumped body. Suddenly the walker comes to life and takes a chunk out of Hershel's leg.

He screams. Y/N gasps. Archer rushes to Maggie who starts to sob for her father. Someone shoots the walker. It's all a blur. Ears are ringing and people are shouting.

Y/N runs to help Hershel up with Rick. The walkers are back from all the noise and they're cut off again. Y/N and Rick lead the way with Hershel who's moaning the whole time. Maggie and Archer follow quickly. T-Dog, Glenn and Daryl bring up the rear.

They come to a dead end. "F*ck! We're blocked!" Y/N shouts.

They backtrack and find a door, chains wrapped around the handles. "Get that door open!" Daryl shouts, shooting an arrow into the skull of a walker behind them.

T-Dog runs to the front of the group and uses a tool to break it open. They all rush inside and slam the doors shut. Y/N and Rick lay Hershel down on the concrete floor. She quickly glances around and realizes they're in the cafeteria.

Y/N jumps up and grabs the fire axe from the glass container on the wall. She collapses to the floor and hands it to Rick. He removes his belt and wraps it around Hershel's leg.

"Hold him down!" Archer and Glenn hold him so he doesn't move. Y/N wraps her arms around Maggie tightly as she cries. Tears form in her own eyes as she watches Rick slam the axe against Hershel's leg repeatedly. Her mind flashes back to Dale. She was almost like a father figure to her after losing her own family. She can't lose Hershel too.

He passes out from the pain. Rick rubs his forehead, blood smearing. "He's losing too much blood."

Suddenly Daryl points his crossbow at the wall behind them. "Duck." He says.

Everyone does as he says and look up to see five men in prison uniforms staring at them through a grated window, shock on their faces.

The blonde one inhales. "Holy sh*t."
Daryl walks toward them slowly. "Who the hell are you?"

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