Carefully setting me on the bathroom counter, he squatted down so he was level with my foot and began examining it. It hurt so badly. "I have to take it out."

My eyes widened when he came back with a pocket knife, tweezers, and alcohol. "No—you aren't— you can't—not in me—no." I panicked, gasping for air, trying to calm myself down. He placed his large hands on either side of my face and pressed his forehead against mine. I stared back into his eyes, blinking back tears.

"Baby, I have to take it out before it gets infected. You'll be fine, I won't hurt you."

I tried to focus on what he was saying but I couldn't. I closed my eyes, inhaling and holding it until I felt myself relax a little. Zayn grabbed my ankle and brought my foot towards him. He used the alcohol first, patting gently around the cut. I hissed, trying to snatch my foot away but his grip was tight.

He picked up the knife and I gulped. I can't see what he's doing but I have a general idea of what he's going to do. He used the tip of the knife to widen the gash and he stuck the tweezers inside my foot, trying to grab the shard of glass. The feeling was so uncomfortable but I stayed still because he'd probably end of stabbing me with the knife if I tried to move. I closed my eyes and counted to ten in my head, attempting to take my mind off of it.

He yanked the bloody tweezers out, holding the glass up for me to see. "I'm done."

While he washed his hands, I pulled my foot towards my stomach and looked at it. He handed me a bandage so with trembling hands, I opened it and covered the wound. I was unaware I was crying until he swiped the pads of his thumbs under my eyes.

I pulled away, wiping my eyes and sniffled, clearing my throat and getting off the counter. I limped back into the room and climbed into the bed, propping my foot up. He stood in the doorway, chewing on his bottom lip while rolling his eyes.

His alarm went off for the third time and he didn't turn it off. I reached over him, grabbing his phone to dismiss it. He grabbed my arm, eying me cautiously "What are you doing?"

I frowned, disapproving the tone in his voice and snatched my arm away. He took the phone and ran a hand through his hair, glancing over me at me. I scrunched my face up and muttered, "Stop looking at me." I went to get out of the bed but my foot was throbbing so I winced and sat back down.

I have to go to the doctor. Not putting pressure on it, I used my other foot and held onto the wall as I hopped into the closet to change my clothes.

I grabbed my keys and made eye contact with Zayn, the two of us glaring at one another. I slowly made my way outside to my car and turned the key in the ignition before putting on my seatbelt.  


After getting stiches, I received a medical boot from the doctor that I was supposed to wear for at least two-three weeks while my foot healed. It was inconvenient for driving but at least it was temporary. I put the car in park and got out of the car, walking towards the door.

Technically I wasn't supposed to be driving at all but I refused to call Zayn. When I walked in the house, he was sitting in the exact same spot I left him, staring intently at his phone. He glanced up when he saw me, eyes raking down my body, a scowl forming when he noticed the black cast wrapped around my foot and ankle.

"Since you're pms'ing, I got you these." I rummaged through my bag and threw a box of chocolates and a box of tampons on the bed next to me. The look on his face was priceless and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing in his face.

"Can you grow up?"

I ignored him, sitting on the edge of the bed. I felt his gaze on me. But I didn't acknowledge his presence, instead loosening the straps of the boot and setting it aside while I struggle to take my jeans off.

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