The Power Within

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Scout was pulling me down the hallway by my gray jacket sleeve in his mouth. I couldn't help but wonder where he was taking me.

He took me into the bridge as he let go of my sleeve and barked at the big screen. I looked up and there was an alert that popped up with word from Zane's Falcon.

Turning on my heel I stood at the door calling to the ninja beckoning them and anyone else listening to come over.

Moments later I heard sets of footsteps rush into the room. Cole took his place at the wheel while I typed at the computer bringing up the live feed.

"Argh, Kai was supposed to keep watch" Jay growled turning on his heel rushing out to alert everyone. Lloyd walked in casually as my brother zoomed past him. He looked up at the screen that showed the fire temple.

"So...It's a volcano?" Lloyd said aloud tilting his head to the side as I nodded.

Others rushed into the room gathering watching the large screen. "Looks like Pythor is at the temple of fire" Nya said aloud gesturing to the site.

"That means the fangblade is there" Kai noted with eyes keen on the screen. One look and I could tell something was burning in that stove head of his. If he doesn't cool it something or someone will get burned.

"That's the same fire temple where Kai and Lord Garmadon first faced off" my brother added in.

"Hm..." I quietly hummed to this information.

"If my memory serves me correct, I'd say one of us cheated back when we last fought" Kai hissed sending a glare at Lord Garmadon. Nya shook her head faceplaming at her brother.

"And I remember someone needing their Sensei to save them" Garmadon retorted hissing venom at the fire ninja as tensions grew between the two.

"Guys! For the sake of the fangblade can we just get along?" Cole shouted over his shoulder at the two while steering the bounty.

Lloyd walked up to his father grabbing one of his four arms "Please don't fight" he asked frowning at both of them for how they are acting.

Breaking up the tension everyone turned their attention back to the screen. "Since the last time we've been there, it looks like the volcano has grown unstable" Nya explained "The place is a powder keg waiting to blow up. This will be a highly combustible environment."

"Oh great, just what I like. Fighting armed and deadly snakes in a highly combustible environment about to blow up" my brother said aloud with a sigh voicing clear loathing for what's to come.

"Sounds festive" I added in sarcastically making eye contact with my brother as we talked with our eyes.

"We will do what we must" Sensei Wu affirmed to his students with solemnness in his tone.

Zane nodded tilting his head inquiring "Yes sensei but where are our weapons?"

Kai shot his head scanning the room "And why is Lord Garmadon not here?" He voiced with concern rushing out of the room in a hurry.

It had been a bit after the fire ninja rushed out of the room. Neither Lord Garmadon or Kai have come back. We left the bridge walking the halls as Scout was pulling me by my sleeve, the others following behind.

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