|⚔︎|-| VIII |-| IV |

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- VIII | IV -
( The Last of the Starks )

In the Godswood, Daenerys and Aston stand side by side as everyone celebrates the end of the battle. Aston kisses Dany's forehead before hugging her tightly.

EDDRICK: "Mama! Papa!"

Aston and Daenerys turn around to see Eddrick running towards them, Aston goes to his knees to catch the incoming boy. The pair hug tightly before Eddrick starts bragging about how he killed one of the undead corpses in the crypt with his Dragonglass blade. He stops mid sentence as he notices his dad's hair.

EDDRICK: "Wow, you look like mommy now."

Aston looks up at Daenerys, the pair smirk at one another. Missandei walks towards her Queen to hand off Rhaesella.

DAENERYS: "How were they? Are you alright? What happened?"

Missandei smiles as she's lucky to have a Queen who cares deeply about her.

MISSANDEI: "They were good, Eddy was brave and protective, Rhae was quiet and calm."

TYRION: "Which was surprising because I saw many people shit themselves when the corpses starting coming back to life."

Aston laughs at Tyrion's honesty and stands beside Daenerys. He gives Rhaesella a forehead kiss before hugging Missandei.

ASTON: "Thank you, Andei."

MISSANDEI: "Please... thank you. I heard about your return." she said implying his resurrection.

Aston smiles and nods, not wanting to draw attention to it to freak Eddrick out.

MISSANDEI: "I'm glad your here, Your Grace."

ASTON: "As am I."

Daenerys kneels before Eddrick with Rhaesella in her arms, she hugs Eddy with one arm while holding her daughter. Eddrick proceeds to brag about his heroics. Aston looks down at his family and smiles widely.

JORAH: "Your Grace." he said from behind the dragons.

Aston's eyes grow at seeing his friend. He approaches him and hugs him tightly.

ASTON: "Thank you for keeping our Queen safe."

JORAH: "It's a pleasure... thank you for coming back and finishing the job."

ASTON: "It's a pleasure."

The men chuckle before embracing once again. The pair couldn't really believe just as to how much their relationship and friendship has changed and improved over time.

IVAR: "Well, look who's alive again."

Ivar, Yuri and Astrid all run in and tackle Aston. The Gladiators hug tightly. The other three all rub Aston's hair and compliment him and his new hairstyle.

ASTON: "Thank you, friends. I can't possibly think of the words to express my gratitude to you."

ASTRID: "There's no need, you've done plenty for us and now we're even."

YURI: "To be honesty... I'm glad you're alive. I don't know what I'd do if we lost you."

ASTON: "You'd be able to relax, Yuri. I wouldn't be able drag you into any more conflicts."

GOT - | ICE AND FIRE | (Daenerys Targaryen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now