|⚔︎|-| VIII |-| II |

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- VIII | II -
( A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms )


Aston finds himself in his old childhood chambers, he looks out the window to see a raven perched up in a nest. It can't possibly be the same raven he grew fond of during his childhood that used his windowsill for a home during his migrations. Ravens tend to live for 10 - 15 years, it wouldn't be a surprise if it really was the same one. Daenerys sits by the fireplace, holding the sleeping Rhaesella.

EDDRICK: "Papa!" the boy said, catching Aston's attention.

Aston turned around to see his nephew run in. Daenerys watches them with a smile on her face.

ASTON: "What is it, my boy?"

EDDRICK: "Auntie Sansa gave me a tour around the castle and she said I could stay in Uncle Robb's old room."

Aston freezes for a second as he heard his late brother's name, especially coming out of the mouth of the late man's son. Aston looks over at Daenerys before kneeling down in front of  Eddrick, he squeezed his arms gently and plastered a smile on his face.

ASTON: "That's awesome."

EDDRICK: "She said it's only fitting I stay in his room."

ASTON: "Did she?"

EDDRICK: "Yeah, what was he like?"

Aston looks to Dany, she nods, indicating it might be time to tell him.

ASTON: "He was... special, powerful, pure of heart. I was the one to inherit the title of Warden of the North, but life happened, I fled to Essos and he inherited it in my absence. He later turned his power and influence into becoming King of the North. A title you have claim to."

EDDRICK: "What?"

ASTON: "Eddy... your old enough to know the truth now and with this massive threat coming at us, it's best I tell you."

Eddrick looks over at Daenerys with a confused look, she reassures him.

ASTON: "Eddy... i'm not your father and Daenerys is not your mother. We care for you as if you are our son, our firstborn child. Uncle Robb is your father and your mother was a beautiful young woman named Talia. They married one another for love instead of duty, just like Daenerys and I. Your parents passed away just a few weeks after you were born. I took the responsibility of taking care of you and Daenerys choose to help me. We may not be your parents by blood, but we are your parents by heart."

EDDRICK: "How did they die?"

ASTON: "They... ah... they were killed at wedding."

EDDRICK: "By who?"

ASTON: "It doesn't matter who... they're dead. Revenge was sought out."

It's quiet as Eddrick stands there.

EDDRICK: "I don't know them... do I have to stop calling you my parents?"

DAENERYS: "Oh no... never, my sweet boy." she said joining in.

ASTON: "You can call whatever you like, Eddy... we will always love you and care for you."

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