|⚔︎|-| V |-| I & II |

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(The decision on the Name and Love Interest in Thoroughbred has been made, thank you ❤️)

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- V | I -
( The Wars to Come )



Daenerys stands on their balcony holding one year old Eddrick as Aston laces his armor on. She can hear his footsteps approaching her from behind, they stop and with curiosity, Dany turns around.

Aston is kneeling in front of her with a cup of tea in his hands, he raises it up gloriously.

Daenerys bursts out into laughter as she kneels down in front of him with Eddrick. The pair smile and kiss lovingly.

DAENERYS: "Aston, you don't have to-"

ASTON: "Oh I know, but I want to."

He winks at her and kisses her. He helps her and Eddrick stand, she stumbles.

ASTON: "Wow, you okay?"

DAENERYS: "Yeah... I think I just got up too quickly."

ASTON: "Okay, here let me take Eddrick and you sit for a few seconds. I'll bring you some water."

Eddrick walks to the desk with Eddrick in his arms to pour her a glass of water. He hands it to Daenerys who drinks it slowly with her eyes closed.

ASTON: "We can take it easy today if you need to, Dany. We need the Queen in her best condition."

He sits by her side as she rests her head on his shoulder momentarily as she waits for the dizziness to go away. Eddrick rests his head on Aston's other shoulder and hums.

Eddrick is now one year old, he mumbles noises that Aston and Daenerys believe are a mix of Valyrian and English. It must be very difficult for the little boy as the languages are constantly spoken around him. He has yet to say one distinguishable word.

DAENERYS: "I'm sure I'll be okay, thank you Aston."

ASTON: "Of course, Dany."


Aston, Daenerys, Barristan, Missandei, Grey Worm, The Gladiators and Mossador all look at a mask on the table. Aston and Daenerys look at one another in concern.

DAENERYS: "Sons of the Harpy?"

BARRISTAN: "Yes, your grace. They left it on the body."

ASTON: "They've never killed before... why now? And for what?"

BARRISTAN: "It was only a matter of time, your grace. Conquerors are always met with resistance."

DAENERYS: "I didn't conquer them. Their own people did."

MOSSADOR: "They do not see us as people, Your Grace."

DAENERYS: "Then they will have to learn to see things differently, Mossador. He did not risk his life fighting for freedom so cowards in masks could take it away. And I did not take up residence in this pyramid so I could watch the city below decline into chaos. What was the name of the man you lost?"

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