|⚔︎|-| III |-| I & II |

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- III | I -
( Valar Dohaeris )


It's been a month since the crew has arrived in Essos. Aston's arm has healed up, it surprisingly healed up during their boat ride over the Narrow Sea, much faster than he or anyone expected. (Little did he know, it was the necklace Melisandre gave him). The only thing left is a big burn scar.

The crew is halfway through The Slaver's Bay Tournament, so far they've defeated 10 other teams. It's time for them to travel to Yunkai and Astapor to beat the other Master's teams.



Bells ring as crowds of people flock to the great arena to watch their favorite fighters kill for their entertainment. Many have created a name for the crew, The Gladiators of The North. It has been a month since they first arrive and showed their skill to those of Meereen. They are now in Yunkai, halfway through their tournament. A three city tour involving several fights in all three cities. The competition is not long as the Masters need their slaves back in order to continue their daily quota and bring them money.

Their fellow slaves began to like them, they saw them as a symbol of hope and representation.

Aston and his crew, The Gladiators of The North, wait in the waiting hall for their third match of the day and their 13th match so far. By now each and every one of them had their own pre match ritual, Aston would kneel down, grind sand in his hand, cover his eyes and whisper to his father. They wouldn't talk before their matches anymore as they've become elite killers, ones who focus purely on the fight ahead. Those who are not serious enough before fights, get in their own heads and lose. The Gladiators were given their name for a reason, they simply don't lose.

The metal gate opens vertically, the crowd roars in excitement as they walk out waving to them. They stand in front of the Yunkai'i Wise Masters and they bow before them. After, they walk to their starting positions where their competition walks out. The two teams bow their heads in respect before getting in their ready stances.

Aston observes the enemy, all four of them are fidgeting with their weapons and tapping their feet on the ground, they're nervous. Aston smirks to himself as the announcer walks out of the fighting pit, the Wise Masters clap their hands and the match begins.

Aston's opponent stands there, frozen.


He runs at Aston and swings wildly. Aston smacks him in the face with his shield, he stumbles back with his hand gripping his broken nose.


The man runs at Aston once more, he dips his sword down, aiming it at Aston's torso. Aston uses his sword to deflect the shot and slice the man's arm, cutting his Brachial Artery. The man doesn't feel it so Aston taunts the man as he unknowingly bleeds to death. The man tries to swing his sword with his bloody arm but fails, he looks down and begins to worry. He drops to his knees and looks at Aston.

The crowd chants, "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Aston raises his sword and slices the man's head in half, killing him. He looks around to see his teammates standing victorious as usual. They walk to stand next to one another in front of the Wise Masters once more, they bow in unison and raise their swords in the air.

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