|⚔︎|-| IV |-| III & IV |

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- IV | III -
( Breaker of Chains )


Aston, Daario and Grey Worm are up and at it with their work of finishing burying the last slaves. They are just 5 miles away from the gates of Meereen. Frost was sitting on a boulder watching them.

ASTON: (Valyrian) "I have a feeling a champion fight will happen in order for us to enter."

DAARIO: (Valyrian) "What makes you say that?"

ASTON: (Valyrian) "During my time there I was approached many times to be the cities champion to fight the champion of the party who wishes to enter."

GREY WORM: (Valyrian) "Who will be The Queen's champion?"

DAARIO: (Valyrian) "I'm not sure... I don't think anyone is."

YURI: "They're back!" he yells from above the hill down to the three men.

ASTON: "What?"

YURI: "Ivar and Astrid! They're back with the babe!"

Aston drops the shovel and runs up the hill, he sees the couple standing there with Daenerys, Missandei, Barristan, Jorah and Yuri waiting around them for Aston to join. He walks towards them with wide eyes, his gaze glued to the cloth bundle in Astrid's arms. He looks at Daenerys who is standing next to Astrid, she has slight tears in her eyes as a her lips perched up when he looked at her.

Aston stands in front of Astrid, he looks down at the beautiful baby boy. He gestures to hold him to which Astrid happily obliged. He holds his nephew in his arms. The babe's hand reaches out and grabs Aston's thumb. He lets out a teary chuckle and so does Daenerys. He looks up at Astrid and Ivar, giving them tight side hugs of great appreciation.

ASTON: "Thank you guys... thank you so much for bringing him to me."

He looks at Daenerys.

ASTON: "To us."

IVAR: "It's a pleasure, Aston."

ASTRID: "We're like family, Aston... anything we can do to help you with him please just let us know."

IVAR: "Yeah, we were talking during our ride back that if you ever need us to watch him while you do Lord Commander duties, please let us help."

ASTRID: "We grew very fond of him and we'd love to help out and help you raise him."

ASTON: "Guys, you two are too nice and too good. Thank you so much."

IVAR: "Aston, it's the least we can do for you."

ASTRID: "You saved our lives and gave us this unimaginable opportunity to fight for the Queen by your side."

Aston smiles at Daenerys. She smiles sweetly back at him. Aston looks down at the 2 month old boy, beautiful blue eyes stare back at him. Aston's eyes release tears of happiness as he looks at his nephew.

ASTON: "He has his father's eyes."

Daenerys stands next to him to look at the little babe.

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