|⚔︎|-| I & II |

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- I -

-| Winterfell |-

Aston Stark, wakes from sleep thanks to the morning crow flying back with nest materials to build its home in the door panel beside his bed.

ASTON: "Welcome back old friend."

The crow was migratory and has been coming every year for the past 5.

Aston uncovers himself and sits on the side of his bed watching the crow construct his intricate nest while rubbing the slumber from his eyes.

ASTON: "Time to get my day started, you seem to have been up for quite some time now Mr. Crow."

Aston dresses for the day before heading to the practice range. Aston was always the first one up in the family, he would use his extra time in the morning to improve his fighting.

The past couple of days, Jon has been joining him in the mornings and this morning Robb joined them for the first time.

ASTON: "Morning Brothers."

ROBB: "Morning."

JON: "Morning, how'd you sleep?"

ASTON: "Same as always, like a newborn. How about you boys?"

JON: "Like a newborn."

Aston and Jon smile as they share an inside joke.

ROBB: "Good, although I stayed up too long thinking about this morning and our training session."

ASTON: "Then let's get started."

The three young men fought one another with wooden swords and practiced their archery. They gave each other pointers on how they could all improve and they would work on anything they were lacking. Aston was the most skilled out of the three of him, his archery was top notch. At least 3 hours were spent every morning on their activities together.

They would stop when father came to watch them and tell them breakfast was ready.

EDDARD: "Come break fast my boys."

The three hungry boys would rush in and eat their first meal of the day with their family.

Eddard sitting at one end with Cateyln at the other, the seven children smooshed between on both sides of the table. Arya wanted the sit in between Aston and Jon, Rickon sitting to the left of Aston and next to mother with Bran and Sansa sandwiching Robb on the other side.

EDDARD: "Boys, I want you to give Bran some archery lessons today."

ARYA: "What about me?"

CATEYLN: "You have sewing lessons."

ARYA: "That's so not fair, I should be able to do what I want and learn what I want."

ASTON: (whispering) "Don't worry Arya, I'll give you your nightly lesson later."

He gives her a wink and she goes back to eating her food happily again.

(COMPLETED) GOT - | ICE AND FIRE | (Daenerys Targaryen x Male OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ