|⚔︎|-| IV |-| I & II |

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- IV | I -
( Two Swords )


It's been two weeks since the liberation of Yunkai and two weeks since the letter was read. It was difficult for Aston to continue his duties without thinking about the other Starks. Daenerys and many others in the convoy noticed his hardship, they would give him space when needed but they would be there for him when needed as well. Daenerys and Barristan were there all the time whether or not he wanted them to be. In the last two weeks, Aston and Daenerys have spent every night, every meal, every meeting together. Their connection strengthened in this unwanted situation. Barristan become more of a father figure to Aston, always providing advice and guidance... even if he wouldn't take it. Selmy couldn't deny Aston's intelligence and skill. He was a young man of pride and honor, maybe not the honor anyone is used to or expects but it is honor.

Aston took some time debating on if he should raise is brother's orphan child. Aston and Daenerys had a long conversation, she told him she would support him and be there for him. It didn't matter that they've been dating for only 2-3 weeks now, Daenerys saw her future with him and so did Aston with her. The pair knew they'd be moving fast but they also knew it was for the best. Deep down Daenerys wants to care for the babe, she constantly thought about her stillborn son, Rhaego. She didn't hesitate to convince Aston to care for his brother's child, as she's wanted a child ever since she lost her own.

Aston ordered Astrid and Ivar nearly two weeks ago to travel to Braavos to meet Ser Brynden Tully, the man who escaped with the babe during the events of The Red Wedding. He instructed them to head to Meereen as that is where the convoy is heading now.


Aston and Frost sit on a small boulder a ways behind Daenerys and Drogon as they sit on a much larger boulder overlooking the rocky terrain ahead. Drogon nuzzles Dany while Viserion and Rhaegal fly above in the distance. Aston chuckled at the dragons bickering over a kill while petting Frost. He was grateful for moments like these, ones that allowed him to stop thinking about his family and to stop doubting himself on whether or not he will be a good father-figure.

The carcass the two dragons were fighting over lands before the rock where Daenerys sits. The two dragons follow, fighting to claim the meat. Drogon stands but Daenerys is hesitant, not wanting there to be any real fight. He roars at Daenerys which causes her to fall back startled. The other dragons submit and Drogon moves to take the carcass. Jorah walks closer to Daenerys.

JORAH: "They're dragons, Khaleesi. They can never be tamed. Not even by their mother."

Aston stands to walk towards Daenerys, he holds his hand out to which she grabs, he helps her up as they walk back to where the majority of the convoy wait.

The unsullied stand at the ready. Daenerys, Aston, Frost and Jorah approach, followed by three Dothraki. They walk up to join Barristan and Missandei in front of the troops.

DAENERYS: "Ser Barristan."

BARRISTAN: "Your Grace. My Lord." He address the pair.

DAENERYS: "Where's Daario Naharis? Where's Grey Worm?"

BARRISTAN: "Gambling, Your Grace."

DAENERYS: "Gambling?"

Aston has an annoyed look on his face, his is reserved and quiet now, but that doesn't mean he doesn't talk... just in moderation now. Annoyed, Daenerys strides forward. Missandei and Aston follow briskly. They walk between rows and rows of unsullied.

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