Freak Come Out At Night

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We see Sh'Okanabo with Viral on his ship.

"The day of awakening approaches. The gene seeds of our race are matured" Sh'Okanabo said. He cracks a gene-seed onto a pigeon inside a cage. The purple Kanabo ooze seeps into the pigeon's skin. 

"Already they have begun to adapt and thrive inside these simple creatures, consuming them from within, "he said. The pigeon's eyes glow red, then purple tentacles shoot out to surround and encase the pigeon in a purple cocoon. 

The pigeon drops onto its back and a second later the cocoon cracks. A mutated pigeon comes forth, with blue and purple feathers, back spikes, and red eyes. "So shall we begin global dispersal of the gene seeds, Dread Lord?"Viral said. 

"Not yet, Viral. First, we must conduct an experimental wave of mutation" Sh'Okanabo said. He cracks open the mutated pigeon's cage. "A field test of sorts, acclimate the spawn to this planet's environment and determine their ability to spread the seed to humans," he said as the mutated pigeon fly out of the ship and to the surface. 

" doesn't hurt to have a backup," he said. Behind him, reveal a teenage girl connected with some wires. He presses a button and the girl's eyes open. She look afraid until she was covered in purple goop. 

The mutated pigeon flies across the city to the "Original Famous Jays" hot dog stand. Customers are seated at tables and booths and the pigeon flies over them to land on the counter. Seated at a nearby table are the turtles, Alison, Splinter, and Cody.

*Theme song*

Michelangelo is holding a hot dog and waving the scent toward his face. "Ahh. That's it. First, allow the bouquet to wash over you then..."Mikey said then he stuffs a large bite of the hot dog into his mouth. "Um," he said.

Cody tries to emulate him but has to slow down because he can't take quite a big bite. "No crash course in twenty-first-century cuisine is complete without a hot dog from Original Famous Ray," Leonardo said. Raphael finishes off his hot dog. 

"Um. I can't believe my taste buds. These dogs taste just like the Jays from our time" Raph said. "That's because they cloned the original Jay" Donatello said. They all turn and wave at the proprietor, who is standing behind the counter. 

Jay hears a squawk and looks over to see the mutated pigeon on his counter. Purple ooze is dripping from its body onto the countertop. The pigeon walks along the countertop. Jay comes out from behind the counter with a broom and goes after the pigeon.

"Huh? Filthy creature! Get out of my place and don't come back" Jay said. He swats at the pigeon with the broom. "Go on, beat it you flying pest! This is a dog joint not a bird cage!" he yells. "Still friendly as ever, "Alison said and took a bite of her hotdog. 

Cody picks up another hot dog and belches. "What exactly do they put in these things?"Cody said. "Some things are better left a mystery, "Master Splinter said. Unseen by Jay, the purple ooze on the counter drips down onto the hot dogs. 

The turtles, Splinter, and Cody walk out of Jays. "I couldn't eat another bite. Well, maybe just one, with everything. You guys go ahead, I'll grab a cab home" Mikey said then went back. "Where does he put it all?"Cody said. "He's got lots of empty space up here, "Raph said. 

He points at his head. Alison held his arm. "Be nice" She said. "I am nice," he said then kissed her. Cody groans as he covers his eyes while Raph's brother chuckles. Inside, Jay places a purple ooze-infected hot dog into a to-go bag for Mikey.

"Thanks, Jay. I'm saving this one till I get home" Mikey said. He hums as he leaves the restaurant. "Okay, maybe just one bite for the road," he said. He lifts the hot dog towards his mouth but catches his wrist with the other hand. 

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