Bad blood

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"Hurry up guys! Master Splinter will make us run laps if we're late for practice again" Leonardo said. 

They were in Cody's Penthouse. Leonardo and Donatello run by, but as Cody is following them, a holo-screen projection appears in front of him, along with a blaring horn. It stops Cody and Michelangelo, who is right behind him, stops as well. Darius Dunn appears on the holovid.

"Why, good morning Cody. How's my favorite nephew doing this fine day?"Darius said. "Huh..."Cody said. "Chat later on. We're late" Mikey said. He pulls Cody away. Behind them, Dunn growls in frustration. 

Dunn is in his office, seated in front of a huge video screen. "I'm losing my grip on Cody because of those blasted turtles," Darius said. He pounds both fists into the control panel. He leans his chin in his palm, but a second later lifts his head as a sound from the screen draws his attention. 

The static gives way to an image. "Greetings, Darius Dunn," said a female voice. "How did you get this frequency? Who are you?"Dunn said. "Suffice it to say, I am an ally who can grant you the means to eliminate four thorns from your side," She said.

In the interior of Sh'Okanabo's starship, Lela turns and points. "Behold," she said. Behind her are four statis units, each containing a hulking figure. Lela walks over to the units. Attached to each is an image of the turtles, along with statistical readouts.

"Enhanced replicas of your four terrapin guests. My species' cloning technology, far beyond that of your own, duplicates subjects physically as well as psychically. These specimens are equipped to dispose of your troublesome reptiles, using their own skills against them" She said. 

There is a sound as the figure in the unit next to Lela taps on the glass. "It's ninja time, dude," said a voice. He laughs crazily until Lela pounds a fist against the unit. "My creations are yours for a trial encounter with the turtles. And if you are pleased with the results, we shall discuss my fee" she said. "Tell me the place and time. I'll see to it the turtles are there" Dunn said. His screen shuts off. Lela laughs.

*Theme song play*
Raphael and Leonardo are inside the holo dojo. 

Both are warming up. "Man, I am pumped! Can't wait to bash me some bots"Raph said. "I just hope that Mikey loads in something unexpected. The battle bots can sometimes get so predictable" Leo said. Mikey bounds into the room, spinning his nunchuck. 

"Trust me, Leo, you've never seen anything like this before. It's the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles versus..."Mikey said. The background mode changes to a grassy field, blue skies, and a rainbow. "...the pre-teen, cute-as-can-be, judo duckies!" he said. 

A swarm of ducklings, all wearing matching Judogis with black belts attacks. Raph looks down at one of the clamped down on his leg. He lifts another by its head and tosses it over his shoulder.

"If I wanted to go to ninja preschool again, I'd be on the roof with Cody and Athena. Dipstick" Raph said. He storms off. On the rooftop, where a practice mat has been laid out. Master Splinter stands to one side as he watches Cody, Athena, Alison, and Donatello face off. 

"Okay, Cody, here I come, "Donatello said. He leaps at Cody, who falls onto his back, lifts his legs to catch Donatello's body, and flips the turtle over his head. "Hi~yah!"Cody said. "Hey, nice! You're really coming along there...Now Athena" He said. Athena put her tessen out. 

"Are you sure you okay?"Alison said. "I am fine. I am itching for a fight anyway!"Athena said, smiling. Alison zoomed toward her and Athena managed to push her away with grace. Alison turn around and swing her leg toward Athena. She huffs then stop it. 

She pushes Alison's leg back, making her fall. "Nice work!"Alison said. "I can't wait to become a real ninja so I can go out and kick some serious butt," Cody said. "And I can't wait to kick their behind with my magic!"Athena said. 

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