Enter the Dragons part 1

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The episode begins with the Shredder, astride his demon horse. 

He rides through a forest, his mystic trident alight with magic. Suddenly, Splinter's eyes snap open. "No!"Splinter yell. He and the Ancient One are seating cross-legged across from each other in Splinter's chambers inside the lair. 

"The dream again. You see it while awake now"Ancient One said. "Stronger than ever before," Splinter said. "With every passing second, the Shredder's influence spreads. The more of the world that falls to him, the greater his power"Ancient One said. 

April arrives from the underground tunnel which leads into Splinter's chamber. She carries a candle to light her way. "Master Splinter, the guys are about to make contact," April said. "Good. Please, remind them to be careful" Splinter said. April nods and leaves. 

The Ancient One looks over at Karai, who is meditating nearby. "Well, young lady, do you think that you are ready to rejoin this battle?"Ancient One said. "I think we should strike at this demon Shredder, drain his dark heart of all energy, and leave him lifeless, "Karai said. "She's ready," he said.
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Flying creatures circle over a hole in the ground which is the 'Earth Protection Force Secret Underground Base'. Atop its circular dome is several Stone Oni. They are trying to break through to get at the humans inside. 

Soldiers inside fire through any openings the Oni create in an effort to destroy them. One of those firing a weapon is Agent John Bishop. Baxter Stockman approaches him. "Our generators are at fifteen percent. The last wave of creatures took out two squadrons of commandos" Stockman said.

"What are these beasts? What's happening to this city? I require answers, Dr. Stockman" Bishop said. "All I know is that this time I had nothing to do with it," Stockman said. "We can't hold them much longer!"The soldier said. "The outer shell's been breached, "Another soldier said. 

"They're coming in!"A third soldier said. A side panel bows inwards and there is a glimpse of a Stone Oni. There is a sudden explosion from outside, and the Stone Oni is vaporized. "Huh?" Stockman said. He noticed a familiar figure before they disappear. 

A second Stone Oni shoves its way into the building but is hit by something that destroys it as well, leaving a gaping hole in the wall. Bishop races to the opening and peeks outside to see other Stone Oni unmoving on the ground.

He steps outside and walks up to a shell cell that is lying on the ground. It begins to ring and he picks it up. Stockman joins him as Bishop places the phone to his ear. "I'm listening, "Bishop said.

In the ' Purple Dragon Headquarters', their transformed compound, armed men stand around the perimeter. "Those undead uglies want a fight? Well, they've got one" Hun said. He opens the crate that Ruffington is standing near and removes several large weapons. 

"Time to break out the heavy artillery," he said. High above them, Raphael pushes open a window that squeaks and draws the attention of one of the Purple Dragons. The man glances up with a look of fright as Raph drops feet first down at him. 

There is a thud, then a shell cell bounces off of Hun's head. "Ow! What the...?"Hun said. He looks up to see his man draped over the banister and Raph just disappearing from sight. The shell cell rings and he picks it up to answer. "This had better be good," he said.

A man and woman as they back away from something that is stalking them. Their backs are to a brick wall as a pair of Kappa Tengu reach for them. High above them, Silver Sentry takes stock of the situation and then zips down, plowing into one of the Kappa. 

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