The Golden puck

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I sigh as I watch the hockey game.

Casey drag me into this. I lean on Raph as I sketch a flower. "The winning team gets ownership of the famed golden for a whole year super slam hockey's greatest prize...he just got super slammed...there's the shot! Don't forget folks, hang on to those ticket stubs. 

Three lucky winners at tonight's game are going home with one of those gorgeous snowmobiles, courtesy of crazy Manny's Winter Wonderland Depot"The announcer said. "I'm so crazy, I'm giving them away"A guy yelled. I am going to bet he is Manny.

And good thing he is crazy because I want one. I shiver. Man, I should have brought a bigger coat. Raph noticed this and hug me tight. "Thanks" I whisper. "Anytime...creampuff," He said then laugh. I roll my eyes. "Hey, be nice to my Lil sis!"Casey said. 

"Trust me Cas when I say that he treats her more than nice"Mikey said and laugh. Raph growl and punch him in the arm. Aw, my heater. Luckily, Raph went back to my side and hugged me. The crowd cheered. "Super slim hockey's gotta be the best part known to man," Casey said.

"Or animals. I mean don't you think it's kind of rough?"Leo said, sliding his mask up. "Yeah. That's what makes it so great" Raph said. "You said it, Raph. To me, it's the perfect evolution of a great sport" Casey said, and they high five. 

"More importantly, the concessions are awesome," Mikey said. He opens a small slot and at some nachos. A bit of sauce fell on Donnie's book. "Hey," Donnie said and wipe the sauce off his book. "The only thing I don't like is wearing these stupid masks," Raph said.

"I agree to that," I said. "What? Check it out" Casey said then put it on. "See? Do we look cool or do we look cool?"Casey said. We all stood silent. "All those who think we look cool say I, "Leo said. "Nay," We all said. "Alison, you too?"Casey said. "Not my taste" I shrug. 

"All those who think Casey is a complete and absolute bonehead?"Raph said. "I"We all said. "There you have it, case. You're a bonehead" Raph said as I chuckle. "Yeah, I'm the bonehead what got you guys these great seats. 

We're so close to the golden puck you could almost reach out and touch it. The golden puck made by...some old guy really long time ago," Casey said. "Actually, it says that the golden puck was handcrafted for Frederick Henry, a prince in 17th-century holland. 

He played a variation of an old dutch game called Colvin which some believed to be an early version of ice hockey" Donnie said. "Nice to know, "I said. "Like I said some old guy really long time ago," Casey said. The buzzer was heard. 

"There's the final buzzer with the score five to three. The bowery battlers win!"The announcer said. I noticed the shadow above me. What was that? "Check out the fancy post-game show, "Casey said as I stood up. "A post-game show?"Raph said as they pull up their mask. 

"Both military parahawks?"Leo said. It looks like they are getting close. "Heads up guys something's not kosher here," Leo said. They begin to shoot. The crowd ran as we stay put. They saw us and threw something. We look. It exploded. I yell as someone covers me.
I groan as I slowly open my eyes. I? "Alison...are you okay?"I heard a voice...that is too close. I noticed Raph was on top of me. Did he... protect me? I blush. "I...I am fine" I whisper. "Come on then, "He said. He helps me out of the rubbles. "What happened?"I said. 

"Oh no. They took the golden puck!"Casey said. "It's just a puck, Casey, "I said, pushing my hair back. "Nobody was hurt. That's what's important" Leo said. "Just a puck...just a puck?! It's not just a puck. 

It's a symbol that the golden puck comes from the beginning of ice hockey and carries us forward to the future of ice hockey. Don't you get it?! It's like stealing the empire state building or...or...or apple pie!"Casey yell. "They have apple pie here?"Mikey said.

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