Spells or not part 3

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Alison tries to hit him with a fire spell.

He keep on dodging until he managed to find a hiding space. He took out a book and look through it. "CoMe OuT, cOmE oUt...WhErE eVeR yOu ArE"She said. Alison floats up for a bit and fireflies appear. She whispers to them and they spread out. 

Wind slowly up and gasp at the sight. "Alison?" she said. Alison turn around and smile. "Hi, WiNd...I'm GlAd YoU aRe AwAkE. HoW aRe YoU?"Alison said then something hit her back. She turns around and glares at the keeper who had a rock in his hand. 

"GiVe Me A mInUtE, wInD. SoMeOnE nEeD a TiMeOuT"Alison said. She raises her hand, making plant vines grow. "It'S rUdE tO iNtErRuPt SoMeOnE, "She said as it wrap around the collector. She made a grip, making the keeper. "I thought you are just a human!"He said. 

Alison chuckled. "I'm MoRe ThAn ThAt, KeEpEr," She said. "Alison, let him go!"Wind said. "WhY sHoUlD I? He KiDnApPeD yOu, GuYs" Alison said. The other but Pele slowly woke up. "Whoa...Alison? Nature, you are the oldest, what the heck is going on with Alison?!"Fire said. 

"I...I don't know. I never saw that kind of power before" Nature said. The Keeper managed to press a button on his glove. It made a small knife appear. He slices the vine, making Alison scream in pain. He fell and ran toward her. Alison hisses at him, making a strong breeze appear. 

"YoU dArE aTtAcK mE bEhInD mY bAcK?!"She yells. Her gem begins to glow brightly as she yells out a shriek. The keeper screamed in pain as he went to his knee. Alison grins and laughs. Wind look at Pele and made a breeze to Pele's face, which cause her to wake up. 

"What happens? Alison?"Pele said as she saw Alison. "Hi, PeLe! HoW aRe YoU?"She said as she smile. "Um good...what are you doing to that poor man?"Pele said. "TeAcHiNg HiM a LeSsOn," Alison said. "No! Alison!"Pele said. 

"YeS aLiSoN...I wIlL nOt LeT hIm HuRt uS!"Alison said then she stare at the Keeper. "This is not the answer!"Pele said. "Yeah...this is a bit extreme!"Fire said. Alison glared at him and he begin to sink. "Stop!"He yells. "No," She said. The keeper glare at her and then laughs. 

"WhY aRe YoU lAuGhInG?! YoU lOsT!"Alison said. "No...I won. I knew it. You Peletatian are monsters. Good thing I wrote it down and I will publish it...so everyone will know how evil you are"He said. Alison's eyes begin to flash. "What is going on with her?"Fire said. 

"I think...She is confused"Wind said, softly. A soft melody was heard and they look to the left. A person in a pink cloak came, playing a tun with her harp. "Who...is that?"Wind said. "No...It couldn't be"Pele whispered. "Let him go child," The woman in the cloak said. 

"WhY sHoUlD I?" Alison said. The woman stops playing her harp and point at her. The gem turn dark and Alison fell. The other goddess and god were let go and they ran toward her. The gem broke free from Alison's shirt and float toward the woman.

"Sorry but I have to do this," The woman said then touch Alison's forehead. "So we will meet again...my child," She said. She looks at the Keeper. He glup as she floats toward him. "Drop it," she said. "Why should I? This is my way to be famous!"He said.

"Drop it or I will make the child up and make her end you...You won't want that...Do you?"She said. He bit his lip and then let it go. She picks it up and burns it. "Now I am going to deal with you," She said and grab his neck. They sink to the ground with him screaming.

Pele looked at Alison who gasp and sat up. "What...Did I do this?"She said. "It doesn't matter, child. What matter is that you are safe"Pele said. Alison sighed then noticed her gem was gone. "Oh no! Where is it?!"She said and the others look at each other.

"Your gem...you used too much that it shatters...Your energy was...too powerful" Wind said. The other nodded as Alison look down. "Oh...I am sorry" She said. "Oh, child it is okay. You did nothing wrong. Everyone's energy is different"Pele said.

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