Spells or not part 2

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I scream as I close my eyes.

I am dead...I am so dead...this is it for Alison...why does it sound like laughter? I open my eyes and saw Nature, petting the Chimera? "Sorry about that, Alison. She wanted to test you" Nature said. Test me? She...wanted...to...test me?! "Alison...are you alright?"Pele said. 

"You scared the heck out of me! What were you thinking?"I said, looking at the chimera. They stare at me. "You don't scare people just because you want to test them!"I said. "Alison, calm down, "Pele said. I glare at her.

"Calm down? I will not because Chimera wanted to test me for what?! To see if I kill it or not? Because that could happen! You should be ashamed of yourself, you hear me?"I said. She meow...then bow? "I think she respects you," Nature said. 

"Respect me?"I said. "Yeah or because what is behind you," she said. I looked back and saw a thorn wall. Whoa, I did that?! "I have never done something like that before, "I said. I look at Pele who smiles softly at me. "You have passed the test," Nature said. 

"Wait...really?"I said. "Yes...I have never seen anything so freighting" She said as she walked toward it. She touches it softly then flowers begin to bloom. Again...I did that! "And this is beautiful. I have never seen anybody doing this" She said. 

"Alison is special," Pele said. "Take her to my sister, "Nature said then she turn into a tree. We look at each other. "So where to next?"I said. "We must travel to a place warmer," She said. "And how?"I said then a flower ate us.
I blink until I noticed where we are.

Are we at the volcano?! "What the heck are we?!"I yell. "This was my home. Now it belongs to Fire" She said. "You used to live here? How? You are human" I said. "I am not. I am a goddess. I just had...bad image with my people that almost kill my life forces" She said. 

She plays with her necklace. "Oh...I am so sorry" I said. "It is fine. I managed to meet my husband and find other people who loved me for me" She said as she look up. I quickly turn around when I heard a snap. 

"Whoa, careful where you point that thing"A girl with bright red hair. And her hair is glowing and looks like flowing lava? "Hiya! My name is fire but you can call me lava! I never met other humans for such a long time!"Fire said. She floats above my dagger and touches my face. 

"Whoa, you are so hot! I mean you are nice to look at but your energy is heating up!"She said. Wow...nice but harsh. "Whoa..."She said and touch my forehead. I could feel the heat from her hand. "There is something else that is hot...I wonder what" she said as she squits her eyes. 

She shrug then flew back. "Anyway what are you here for?"Fire said. "We are here for the test, "Pele said. Fire nod then snaps her finger. The ground shook. I yelp then a stone monster was in front of us! "Entertain me," She said. 

She snaps her finger again and the stone monster looks at me. "Um...hi?"I said. It roars at me and I ran off. I send a couple of spells at it ways but it dodges them. I saw a shadow cast at me. I scream again as it raises its fist. I dodge it again. 

"Stop it now, Fire!"Pele said. "No...Let's make it more interesting!"She said. She drew a small circle on the ground and I heard the ground breaking?! Okay, she is ruining my vibe here! I jump on each rock, trying not to get hit. I can't keep dodging its attack!

I need to do something fast. I turn around and threw some shock wave at it. It roars in pain. Yes! It begins to throw lava around. Oh, sparrow's feather! "Come on. I thought you were stronger than this!"Fire said then I growl. I stop and put my hand up

The stone monster stop. "You will obey me, "I said and it roar in my face. "I said to obey!"I yell then raise my hand. I put them in front of me and a woosh was heard. It yell as lava went to its face. I rose my hand up. Lava begins to create a wall around it.

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