Good Genes Part Two

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The episode begins at Bishop's E.F.P secret compound. 

Inside one of the buildings, Bishop enters a dark chamber with an invisible floor. "Comm systems on. Open secure channel" Bishop said. A large holographic image appears in front of him. It is a cloaked figure whose features are not discernible.

"Ah, Agent Bishop. We are transmitting coordinates to you even as we speak"The messenger said. "And in return?"Bishop said. "We will let you know. Will you be retrieving the artifact yourself?"The Messenger said. "Of course, "Bishop said. He turns to leave. 

"I'll be sending in special agents"he said. In Bishop's laboratory, Leatherhead and Alison monitor Donatello, who is unmoving inside a containment tank. "Donatello's condition continues to deteriorate," Leatherhead said. "There's not much time," Alison said.

"Dr. Stockman, Agent Bishop told us that you would administer the cure to Donatello," Splinter said. "To think that I've sunk so low, that my unparalleled genius would be used to save the life of one of these... freaks. Unfathomable"Stockman said.

Alison growled, making her wolf ear pop out. "Where is the cure, Stockman?"Leatherhead said. Stockman ignores him and walks across the room. "I'm pulled from sweet oblivion. For what? This?"Stockman said.

Leatherhead grabs his shoulders and turns Stockman to face him. "Show us the cure, now, " Leatherhead said. "Cure? You stupid animal. Agent Bishop lied. There is no cure" Stockman said. "What?"Splinter said. Leatherhead becomes angry, his pupils turning to slits.
At the Foot Headquarters in New York City, there is a beeping sound from a communication device.

"April, come in," Leo said. "Go, Leo," April said. "We've made it to the Foot's garbage disposal facility," Leo said. Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo race past Foot workers who don't see them, and then they hide. "Time for you and Casey to do your thing," he said.

"Casey's headed into the power station now. Stand by"April said. Casey, wearing a work uniform and carrying a mop, climbs out of the and heads towards the power station. "Hey, if we gotta put a computer virus in here to shut down the power, how come you're not going in?"Casey said. 

"Because I don't look like a janitor"April said. "Gee, thanks, "Casey said. "Keep us posted, April. We're moving into position" Leo said. "Roger that, "April said. "Well, here's where the fun starts, "Leo said. He and his brothers race up a ramp, exiting the disposal collection area.

"All the building's garbage goes through chutes that lead to an incinerator"April said. The turtles run along a wide conveyor belt. "We're going in through the furnace? Isn't that gonna be, you know, hot?"Mikey said. Fire blasts from openings all along the ramp. 

The turtles race to stay ahead of the fire, leaping over incinerated piles as they run. "It's our only way in, and that's not all. Once through the incinerators, we go up the chutes"Leo said. "Which Karai has secured with a deadly grid of lasers," April said.

The three turtles run in place beneath a chute. The laser grid covers the opening and the garbage that hits it is instantly vaporized. "When the power drops we go up the vent. We've gotta beat the emergency power kicking in"Leo said. "Uh, Leo, why is the grid still on?"Mikey said.

"Casey, April, cut that power or we're turtles flambe," Leo said. Casey is in the power station's control room. A technician lies unconscious on the floor, with Casey's mop on his head, and Casey is at the control panel. "I put in the stupid virus, but it ain't working, "Casey said.

"Casey!"Mikey said. The flames are coming closer to the turtles. "Casey, we really need that power out. Now!"Leo yell. "All right you stupid computers, we're doing this old school," Casey said. He lifts a machine over his head and flings it at the control panel. "Goongala!" he said.

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