Fallen Angel

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We watch as they came out of the store.

Mikey kicks one of the thugs. We prepare ourselves. "See, guys? You never know what kind of fun you're gonna find on the old nightly training run" Mikey said. "Now class,  who can tell me what he did wrong?"I said as I point at one of the thugs. 

"You mean besides being a badly dressed, law-breaking, good for nothing, lowlife, street punk?"Raph said. "Good job...You get a gold star" I said as he smile. "Bust 'em up, Dragons!"The thug said. I smile then grab my dagger. I threw it and it caught one of the thug's jackets. 

One try to land a hit but I made him fall. "Wahoo!"Casey said as he knocks back a thug with his hockey stick. "When are these Dragon goons gonna learn?"Leo said and kicks down another thug. "Green beats purple every time," Mikey said as he knocks back another thug.

Raph knocks down two more thugs. "They'll all be black and blue by the time I'm finished with them," He said. "We've got a runner!"Donnie said. "Don't worry, it's covered!"Raph said then he look at me. I nod then follow the runner. I managed to see the runner with Casey. 

He points his hockey stick at her. "Going somewhere?"He said as I got close. I can't believe it. "Angel?"We said. Angel gets up and runs. A thug comes out of an alley and tries to hit Casey. I quickly push the thug into the wall and chase after them. 

She tries to climb up a fence, but Casey grabs her foot. She drops the money bag and starts kicking at him. "Let go of me, creep!"Angel said. "Angel, wait!"I said as I grabs her foot and takes off his mask. "It's me! Casey!" he said. "And me, Alison!"I said as I pull my mask off.

"Casey? Alison?"She said, surprised. She drops down from the fence. "What are you doing here?" she said. "Stopping you from making the biggest mistake of your life," I said. "What? The Purple Dragons?"She said and gives a slight chuckle. 

"No, they're my posse. My family" she said. "But you got real family at home," Casey said. "Yeah, well who asked you, loser? If I wanna be a Purple Dragon, it's my own business!"She said. "Until you start breaking the law, "I said. 

"Then it's our business," Casey said as he point the bag with his hockey stick. "Yeah, well I don't see no badge on you!"She said as she pick up the bag. "And I don't see no dragon on you," I said as Casey puts his hockey stick away.

"Not yet," She said. "So why don't you quit while you still got a chance?" I said. "I ain't quitting nothing! Tonight was my first test. Tomorrow I pass my initiation. And then I'm gonna wear my dragon with pride" she said as she puts her hand on her chest then walks away. 

We follow her. "That dragon comes with a price. You don't know what you're getting yourself mixed up in"I said. "Yeah, maybe you're right!" she said then swing her bag at us. I dodge it but it knocks Casey down.

"But I can still take care of myself!"She said as she climbs over the fence and runs away. I glare at her then look at Casey. "Casey, what happened? Who was that girl?"Raph said as Casey gets up. "Her name's Angel, "I said. 

"We know her from the neighborhood. We promised her grandma we'd keep an eye on her. Keep her outta trouble" Casey said. "So she's a Purple Dragon?"Leo said. "Not if we can help it," Casey said as he walk off.
We follow two purple dragons to a building.

We saw they gave some kind of signal to the bodyguard. I held my trenchcoat as I gave them the signal. He nods and we inside. The crowd cheered as someone was knocked out. "Is the initiate worthy of the Dragon?"The announcer said. 

The crowd boos as Casey shakes his head with disgust. "Let's bring on the next initiate! Give it up for Angel!" the announcer said. I gasp when I saw her enter the ring.  Are they allowing a kid to fight?! "Does she have what it takes to call herself a Purple Dragon?" the announcer said. 

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