Enter the Dragons Part 2

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The turtles face off with Shredder in the forest.

"Prepare, all of you, for a slow agonizing end to your small and worthless lives, "Shredder said. "All right, let's not give him an easy target. Spread out and get ready" Leonardo said. The other acolytes appear. "Your friends are right beside you, till the very end," Joi said.

"Remember the plan. We have to try and weaken him by separating him from his helmet and gauntlet. It's our only chance" Leo said. "There are no chances left, "Shredder said. He races towards the group on his demon horse, his glowing trident held ready. 

Meanwhile, back at the citadel, the allies battle Shredder's demon forces. "Commandos, hit 'em with everything you've got. We don't have to be nice. Remember, these are undead ghouls" Agent Bishop said. Winged demons carry off some of Bishop's men while Kappa Tengu attacks others. 

The ground opens and undead Foot Ninjas spring up to join the attack. Several charge Bishop, but he uses mystic tech weapons to disintegrate them. Bishop is grabbed and lifted into the air by winged demons, but one of his men shoots one and Bishop shoots the other.

As he falls, Bishop fires his weapon at a Stone Oni and destroys it. "Commandos, rally to me!"Bishop said. His men move back to join him. When one is knocked down by an undead soldier and is about to be struck again, Raptarr sweeps down and grabs its weapon. 

He uses it to smash another Stone Oni who is holding two commandos. Silver Sentry flies towards another Stone Oni but is struck hard enough to fly back into a temple, which then falls on him. "Sentry, hang on!"Nobody said.

He and Metalhead pull boulders off of Silver Sentry and then Nobody gives him a hand up. "Silver Sentry, what's happening?"He said. "We're losing, "Sliver Sentry said. Inside the citadel, Hun manages to pull himself out of a pile of rubble. 

"Forget this nonsense. Nothing is worth fighting demons. Hmm?"Hun said. He looks around and sees he's fallen into a chamber filled with riches. "Nothing except this," he said. He picks up a pearl necklace. "If I gotta risk my life, I might as well be rewarded for it," He said. 

In the smoking remains of the top floor of the citadel, Chaplin comes to and spots Karai lying nearby. "Mistress? Mistress Karai!"Chaplin said. He runs to her. "Mistress?" he said. She awakens. "Thank goodness you're all right. Let me help you" he said. 

Nearby, Baxter Stockman groans, his army tank body on its side. "Help me," Stockman said. His hologram-projected head appears. Bishop walks up and kicks him"Stockman. On your feet. There's work to do" Bishop said.

"Why can't I ever be left alone to expire in peace?"Stockman said. He rights himself and Bishop walks over to Karai. "Karai, you're alive. Now if you haven't noticed, we're losing. You've got to use your link with the Shredder and continue your assault" Bishop said. 

Chaplin goes to help her up, but she pushes him back and returns to sitting in a cross-legged position. "Stand back," Karai said then she look at Alison. "You need to go and fight this monster. Do it for Ellen" she said. Alison nod. The green mystic energy forms around her body. 

"You two, protect her. I need to see if we have any other forces left"Bishop said. He races away. "Dr. Stockman! This is so great! You and I are a team again. Isn't it just so awesome?"Chaplin said. "Thrilling beyond words. This day couldn't possibly get any worse" Stockman said.

Fighting continues in the courtyard outside the citadel. In the forest next to it, Shredder charges toward the turtles. "Here he comes. Everyone, focus!"Leo said. The turtle's amulets activate and their bodies glow. Shredder jabs his trident at Raph, who leaps out of the way. 

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