Rouge in the House Part 2

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On the wharf, Mikey and Zog were surrounded by the foot ninja

The Foot attack and both defenders take out one each. "How you doing, soldier?"Mikey said. "A-1, sir, "Zog said. "Good. Because the odds just got worse" Mikey said as another group of Foot ninja arrive. On the bridge, the battle rages.

"Leo, when you promised me an ocean voyage, this wasn't what I had in mind," Raph said as he block an attack. "It looked so much nicer in the brochure, "Leo said. Splinter battles a Foot Elite, using his walking stick to block his battle ax when two other Elites charge him. 

They attack with their spear and trident, but Leonardo steps in front of Splinter and blocks the weapons with his katanas. He kicks them away, but then to Leonardo's surprise, they suddenly stop. "Huh?"Leo said. He turns to discover that Hun is right behind him. 

Hun punches Leonardo, who falls and slides across the floor, stopping at the Foot Elite's feet. Leo rolls as the one with the spear tries to stab him. "We gotta get this puppy out to sea. Donny, what's the 411?"Leo said to his headpiece. Donatello and Alison are in the engine room.

"We made it to the engine room, about to do some creative rewiring," Alison said as they pulls wires and begins twisting them together. The Foot Elite starts to swing his ax at Splinter when Raphael spots him. "Yo, basket head, catch," Raph said.

He throws his sai at the Elite, who bats it away with his ax. When he turns back to Splinter, his quarry has vanished. The Elite turns and sees Splinter land in front of the bridge controls. He pushes a lever all the way forward and then jams his walking stick into the panel, which sparks.

In the engine room, Donnie sees the pistons begin to vibrate. "Looks like we're getting underway," Alison said. On the wharf, Michelangelo and Zog take down the last of the Foot ninja. They see the ship moving away, but a mooring line is still attached.

"Zog, the Love Boat's sailing and we didn't get that last mooring line," Mikey said. The line pulls taut and the ship jerks, throwing everyone on the bridge to the floor. Raph and an Elite stand up and realize their weapons are several feet away. 

They both dive for them, but Raph is faster and points his sai at the Elite's throat. "Never go one-on-one against a turtle," he said. The Elite with the ax knocks Raphael's sai from his hand. "But I guess you guys knew that already," he said, walking back.

Splinter faces off against Hun, who is holding a length of chain. Hun begins spinning the chain and then swings several times, but Splinter leaps out of the way. Leo battles two Foot Elites while using his headset to communicate with his brother.

"Mikey, the ship's still moored to the dock. What's happening?"Leo said. Mikey and Zog have encountered more Foot ninja. "Sorry, Leo, but we kinda ran into some old friends," Mikey said through his headpiece. "Cast off and then you and Zog get up here to the bridge, "Leo said.

"Soldier, clear that line for the sake of the Republic!"Mikey said. "Sir, yes, sir!"Zog said then charges through a trio of Foot ninja and hits the mooring post with his head, ripping the post completely out of the wharf. He dives into the river.

"Well, boys, it's been fun, but I got a boat to catch. Don't forget to write!"Mikey said. He leaps off the wharf and catches the mooring line. Two Foot ninjas try to follow, but land in the water. "Zog? Zog, where are you?"Mikey said

In the engine room, Donnie puts the finishing touches on his rewiring. "How is it on your end?"Donnie ask. Alison gave him a thumb up. He sets the timer on his watch. "In half an hour this floating hulk is gonna be lit up like the Fourth of July. Time to get the others"Donnie said.

They were about to walk out until they saw a group of Foot ninjas block their path. "Or maybe not," Donnie said. Alison took out her fan. The fight on the bridge continues, while Michelangelo swings from the mooring line. "Leo, we're in trouble," Mikey said. 

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