The big brawl part 4

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I look down.

I can't believe I became the helpless princess. I look at the Ultimate Ninja who is looking down at the scene. He looks at me and then grips my hand. Pretend...That you are getting along. The Ultimate Ninja lifts a hand to draw everyone's attention. 

"Friends, warriors, and noble creatures, it is a sad office that I must perform. The healers say, my father, our revered Daimyo, will not live" he said.  The crowd reacts. "But we must continue the Battle Nexus tournament. It is what my father would have wanted. 

It is with a heavy heart that I assume his place and his duties. We have our final four combatants, hoping to compete to become the Battle Nexus champion. And so I say, in honor of my father, let the Battle Nexus tournament proceed!" he said.

The crowd cheers. "And let's hope we have some good news after the battle Nexus," he said as he held my hand. I try to smile as the crowd cheer even louder. "Gyoji, I must attend to affairs of state with friend. Continue the contest" he said. 

"Yes, young master"Bubble man said. He looks at me...sadly. "Um is it okay if I go with him?"I said. "No. You will stay with me. I won't let you go" he said then grip my arm. "I am sorry" I heard bubble man whisper before he was gone. I follow him through the place.

A shadowed figure appears in front of us. I held my head high. "My Lord, a moment. All is going according to plan. I think now would be an appropriate time to fulfill your promise and give me your father's staff"Drako said.

"Patience Drako, patience. The staff is in a safe place and I will give it to you only when all is done and I am officially declared Daimyo"The Ultimate Ninja said then look at me. "Now I have to take my bride-to-be to her prisoner cell," he said and we walk off.

No one POV
Raph is balancing a sai on his finger and leaning back against a wall.

"So what's it gonna be?"He said. "I already told you, I-- I don't know where this Master Splinter or Princess Alison is, "A palace worker said. Traximus lifts the man by his neck and pins him against a wall.

"I guess there's no reason for me to keep my hungry friend from eating you," Raph said. "Ooh," The palace Worker said. "Go ahead, Traxie, dig in, "Raph said. Traximus licks his lips. "No—no, w—wait, don't eat me. Your Master Splinter is being held in the palace dungeon"The Palace Worker said.

 Raph chuckles. "See? Wasn't that hard? And princess Alison? Why is she there?" he said. "She... She is there too... He...want to marry her"He said. Raph's grin fell. Just how many people want to marry her? He thought and made a grip. 

"Come on Traximus...We need to make a visit to a certain prince" he said as they ran off. Inside the Healers Pavilion, the assassins prepare to finish the Daimyo. "Stop, assassins!"Usagi said. He charges into the room and takes on multiple assassins, fighting to keep them away from the Daimyo. 

In the outer room, Donnie takes down an assassin and then stops to check on Leo. He hears Usagi's fight and rushes into the Daimyo's room to help. Donnie taps an assassin on the shoulder, and when he turns, he punches him.

Usagi smiles at him. An assassin spins his chain and then flings it, hitting Usagi just as he turns. Usagi flies backward and hits a support post. "Oof!" he said. The assassin flings the chain again and it wraps around both the post and Usagi, trapping the ronin. 

Usagi drops his swords and struggles, but can't get free. "Time to skewer the rabbit, "The assassin said. "Usagi! No!"Donnie yell. The assassin lifts his weapon and swings it down at Usagi, but inches from his head, a pair of swords intervene to save the ronin.

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