Future Shellshock

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I had never felt so alive before!

After a week of battling the Shredder, I started to feel calmer...more relaxed! I wonder if the curse is to make us feel stressed out. During this week, I managed to finish college and was able to calmly finish my work. Since I have some free time, I took some time to practice my cooking.

I am not bad at cooking but I always wanted to try to get better at it. I look up and saw Raphael fighting with Michelangelo for the remote. "For the last time, it's my day!"Raph said. " Yep, your lucky day, cuz we're watching the 24-hour sci-fi mega-thorn," Mikey said. 

I sigh as I watch them argue. "Give me that remote Mickey I'm flipping you instead of the channels," Raph said. Mikey blows raspberries at Raph while changing channels. "15 years of ninja training and it all comes down to ultimate wrestling Smackdown versus Zombies from Saturn 4," Leo said. 

"Hmm, where did I go wrong?"Splinter said. I chuckle. "They are so cute," I said. Raph and Mikey scrabble over the remote until Micky pins Raph on the sofa. "I win," Mikey said. "Oh yeah?"Leo said. Leo & Donnie jump in. 

The turtles fight over the remote, and Mikey drops it, landing on a carpet. They go for the remote, Splinter uses his stick and curls up the other side of the carpet, waves it flinging the remote up the turtles miss landing on the carpet.

Splinter using the carpet rounds the turtles up. He sits on the sofa and the remote lands in his hand. "This is pointless, You know my soaps are on in 5 minutes," Splinter said. "That's 5 minutes of Sci-Fi goodness," Mikey said. 

He raises his leg and presses the remote with his toe. I gasp when there was a blue light flashed. I quickly cover my eyes. I slowly open them and saw...actually don't know. Where are we? I look at the turtles and gasp.

"Hey, where are our masks?! A-And our weapons? I feel totally naked here!"Raph said. He noticed me staring. "Sorry! You look..."I said but look away. I know I am going to regret it if I told him they look hot. And I regret looking away cause I saw Splinter naked. "Ew," they said.  

"Not a word"Splinter said. "Ah! The TV! It's gone"Mikey yelled. "Forget the TV, the whole lair is trashed, "Leo said. The lair is in an abandoned state. How or what did this so fast?! "What the shell happened?"I said. "Outside quickly!"Splinter said.

We exit the sewers and I was stunned; New York has changed. How the shell did this happen?! "Am I dreaming?"I said. "Nice going, Mikey. You didn't just change the channel, you changed the whole freaking world," Raph said.

*Play theme song*

The turtles and Splinter sneak around. I hide in their shadow. Raph pulls Mikey back. "All right who attacked us and where are we?"Leo said. A van drives up then stops, and two triceratops step out. They walk to the back of the van and pick up piles of something.

"Now we'll getting somewhere. Stinking triceratons" Raph said, putting his fist together. "Let's see what dastardly device they've planted, It's ninja time!"Mikey said. He runs off into the van to see what's inside. "Mikey, wait"I whisper. I follow him 

"Those horn heads won't be taking over this planet with...your evil newspapers? Triceraton paper boys" Mikey said as he open one. He looks back to see them stocking newspapers in the newspaper's stand.

"Awesome. They even have a whole video game section. This so beats the crossword" he said as he look through the newspaper. He stops and squints. "Hey...This girl looks familiar" he said. He try to show it to me but then the door was shut. "Uh-oh," he said. 

I bang on the door but it drove off. We quickly ran into the highway. The turtles quickly jump on top of the moving cars as I grew wing. I flew toward the van. "Welcome to uptown level one. Gravity level three. Terran air content sulfurous"A billboard said. Huh? 

Will you say those three words?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt