Good Genes Part One

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The episode begins at night at a desert compound surrounded by fencing and warning signs. 

At the bottom of the screen, it reads "Area 51 Location Classified". Guard towers shine spotlights over the grounds. Inside a laboratory in one of the buildings, Agent Bishop stares at a stasis bubble filled with liquid which holds Todd, the mutated city worker during "Outbreak".

"This is unacceptable. Your progress on the outbreak cure is lacking, doctor. The situation in the city is getting worse and it's keeping my attention away from my work" Bishop said. Nearby, Baxter Stockman, in his exoskeletal form, mixes things into test tubes.

"Your work? Please! The original outbreak virus was an unintended side effect of the genetic accelerants I created for you. There are too many variables. I'm testing dozens of retroviruses" Stockman said. A monitor activates and a soldier appears onscreen.

"Sir, pardon the interruption. There's a transmission coming in. We can't trace the signal, it's—"A soldier said. "What kind of signal?"Bishop said. "We've never seen anything like it, sir. It's coming in on our dedicated frequency. Sir, they want to talk to you"The soldier said. 

"I'll take it in the comm room," Bishop said. He enters a dark chamber with an invisible floor. "Comm systems activate. Open secure line, authorization Bishop Omega one zero two" he said. A large holographic image appears in front of him. 

It is a cloaked figure whose features are not discernible. "Greetings, Agent Bishop, "The messenger said. "How did you get access to this frequency? How do you know my name?" Bishop said. "We have been watching you, John Bishop. We know of your abduction by aliens so long ago. We know all" The messenger said. 

"Who are you?"Bishop said. "You watch the skies night after night, looking for your little green men," The messenger said. "Little gray men actually, "Bishop said. "Futilely gathering what technology you can in hopes of staving off the invasion, but right under your nose is everything you need. Information that would put you centuries ahead in your work" The messenger said.

"And I'm to believe you're just going to give me this information?"Bishop said. "No, but I can help you get it, for a price. It will be worth it. There is an ancient gemstone encoded with thousands of intricate designs for very advanced alien technology and I believe you're familiar with the organization that holds it. They're called... the Foot"The messenger said.
In the Lair, Leonardo stands with his arms crossed on a balcony overlooking the lair. 

The sound of growling echoes in the lair. Leo glances over his shoulder at Leatherhead, who is seated at Donatello's workstation working on his computer. Alison was helping him. Their eyes met but Alison quickly look away with a monotone face. 

She declare that she was going to take a break...from their missions so she cleared her mind more. She wouldn't be here now but because of Donnie, Alison decided to only come and visit. Only to help Leatherhead and calm Donnie down.

On the floor below, Raphael is using both his fists and feet on his punching bag. Michelangelo is in the kitchen preparing a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. Growling sounds draw his attention to the containment unit where the doubly mutated Donnie is housed. 

Donnie pounds on the chamber and then tries scratching it as he attempts to get out. Splinter sets a hand on Leonardo's shoulder. "Do not despair, my son. Where there is life, there is hope" Splinter said. "I keep turning to ask Don what we're gonna do, to see what brilliant cure he's worked up to fix this, but then I remember, that is Don, "Leo said.

"I too wish to consult with Donatello regarding his condition. He did the majority of the work on the outbreak virus. Without him, I fear my progress is too slow...Not too slow thanks to Alison" Leatherhead said. Alison pushes her glasses back. 

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