New World Order Part One

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It was nighttime. 

There is a cry for "Help!" and Leonardo runs through an empty street toward the voice. "Help! Help me!"Karai yell. The street behind Leonardo begins to crumble, continuing to break apart as he passes over it. "Where are you?" Leo said. 

He turns a corner to see Karai on her knees in the street. She is wearing her armor, sans the helmet. "Karai!" he yells. "Help me, Leonardo!"Karai yell. He runs to her and she reaches out. He too reaches for her, but the street splits open between them and a green light shines through. 

The shaking throws both backward and away from each other. Shredder rises up from the broken ground and both gasp. Karai then screams as the Shredder strikes with the blades on his gauntlet. 

Leo inhales sharply, watching as the city melts away to be replaced by ruins and skeletons, above which a giant Shredder stands. Fire blazes around him as Shredder laughs. The scene shifts to the turtles, all lying on the floor asleep near the television array in the lair. 

All four are glowing, their amulets activated, and they squirm in their sleep. Suddenly they all awaken and sit bolt upright. Splinter and the Ancient One enter the room. "What a nightmare. I dreamed about Karai. She was reaching out to me" Leo said. 

"Yeah, that was my dream. The city was cracking up into a million pieces and then she was at the mercy of the Shredder" Raphael said. "I saw that too, and then New York transformed into a horror show, sort of like an alternate universe, but worse, "Donatello said.

"Yeah, and the Shredder was there. The ancient, big, voodoo Shredder, acting all king of the world! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're telling me we all had the same dreams?"Mikey said then look at Alison. "And what going on with her?"He said. 

They look and saw green marks almost everywhere on her body. Her eyes were glowing and open. She whispers something in Latin. "Alison!"Donnie yelled and shook her, gently. The mark disappear as she woke up. "What...Ugh, what a nightmare"Alison said. 

"What did you dream about?"Leo said as he sat next to her. "I dream I meet the Shredder. The first Shredder. How he is trying to court me. It was...nice, I think? Until he turns into a demon and tries to destroy everything I could remember"Alison said

"Looks like your kumquats are walking the nōryoku path, "Ancient One said. "Yes, it would seem that you are connected to forces beyond time and space, through your subconscious," Splinter said. "Uh, in English please, Sensei," Mikey said. 

"Heh. And you four are the hope of the world?"Ancient One said. "Your amulets, your weapons, your training with the Tribunal; it has all connected you to the Shredder in some way. After all, that was the Tribunal's goal, was it not?"Splinter said.

 Flashback to the monastery and the acolyte's training.

"To take the four of you, along with Adam, Joi, Tora, and Faraji, and transform you from acolytes, into masters"Splinter said

The flashback shows Donatello powering through a Stone Oni and destroying it in "More Worlds in One". "Wow. I did it!" Donnie saidThe flashback shows the acolytes seated in a monastery courtyard as Kon-Shinso teaches them.

"The Ninja Tribunal had hoped to forge you into the ultimate warriors, "Splinter narrates.

Leonardo manifests his dragon avatar. 

"...capable of combating evil on both the physical and mystical planes," he said. 

Flashback to the battle beneath the monastery in "Beginning of the End".

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