World Collide Part 1

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The Triceraton ships are pulling out of orbit.

"Order from Prime Leader: All units return to the shuttle. We are withdrawing. Repeat, withdrawing"A triceraton said. Inside the stolen space cruiser from Zanramon, the turtles fly over New York. "Well, guys, that's that. The Triceratons are leaving. We did it"Leo said. 

"You know, saving the human race gives me a warm fuzzy feeling deep down in my shell," Donnie said as he lean back on his seat. Alison smuggles against Raph's arm. "Woah. What made you act all cute and cuddly?"Raph said. 

"Nothing...I am just happy to be beside you again" Alison said in a soft voice. He touches her face and she looks at him "Me too"He whispers, softly. Alison blush and hug his arm tighter. "Once we get home, how about we go and practice training?" he said. 

"I would love that," she said. "Aw, are you finally asking Alison out after the world inversion is over?"Mikey said. She sticks her tongue out at him. His brothers laugh as she glare at them. "They are jealous I got a queen in my arm...A beautiful one" he whispers.

He leads her toward the window to watch the view. The city streets are crowded with vehicles and horns honk at the unmoving traffic jam. "Reports are coming in from all across the world, the Triceratons are pulling out. It is over. Earth has been spared"A reporter said. 

We see the interior of April's van where April and Casey are listening to the radio. "And while authorities still aren't sure why the Triceratons came or what it was exactly that they were after, one thing is for sure, it's good to be alive," the reporter said. 

The pair stare into each other's eyes and then kiss. The turtles zip by overhead and the air turbulence shakes the van. "Wow," Casey said as they pull apart. "Don, the last thing we need right now is to be the center of attention," Leo said.

"Leo, we're flying an eighty-ton Imperial Space Cruiser down 5th Avenue. It's a little hard to keep it on the down low" Alison said as she hug his arm. She giggles then spins. He looks at Donnie then at Pele. "She used up most of her magic...This is the result of us overusing our power" She whispered.        

He nods as Raph chase Alison. A phone rings and Mikey answers. "This the Mikey party line, what up?"Mikey said. "FugitoidMichelangelo?"Fugitoid said. "Professor Honeycutt? No way. Hang on, I'll put you on speaker. We were just talking about you. Your ears must be burning" Mikey said.

Everyone stops to listen. "Not so. My ears are a steel alloy. It would have to be over twenty-five thousand degrees Fahrenheit for combustion to occur"Fugitoid said. "MichelangeloThat's not exactly what I meant, "Mikey said.

"Professor, your interstellar signal is so clear. It sounds like you're only a mile away" Alison said. Raph had to make sure she stay close to him so he place an arm around her waist. She giggles as she leans her head on his arm. 

"Oh hello, Princess Alison. No, not a mile away, I'm at least two-point-one miles away at the site of the TCRI building"Fugitoid said. "Here? On Earth?"Mikey, Leo, and Pele said. "Oh, boy," Raph said. "We'll be right there, Professor, don't move, "Leo said and end the line. "Donnie, we need to hide this thing, pronto, "He said.
Once they landed their ship, the turtles hid and stayed in the shadows as they traverse the streets. 

They reach the pit where the building used to sit. After hopping the fence, they approach the Fugitoid who was sitting down. "It is ever so good to see my friends again," Fugitoid said. "I wish we could say the same, but the Triceratons are here looking for you," Leo said. 

"I know. That is why I am here, to give myself up. I have just broadcast a message to the Triceraton's Prime Leader" Fugitoid said as he stood up. "You what?"They all yell. "Are you crazy?"Raph said as Alison nodded.
Triceraton spacecraft hovers above the Earth.

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