What a Croc!

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I yawn as I help April pack.

"Thanks for the help, "She said. "It is nothing. Anything to help a girl friend out"I said as we fist-bumped. "Can't sleep either huh?"We heard someone say. It was Mikey. "I'm too excited to sleep. I can't wait to have my own place again" April said.

"I was too busy helping her, "I said. "I understand. I can still remember back when this used to be my room when I wouldn't have to listen to my roommate snore like a chainsaw!"Mikey yell. I giggle. "Sorry you have to go through that," I said as I wrap a glass vase.

"Don't worry I'll soon be out of here and you'll be back in your own room before you know it, "April said. "Um, April, what are you doing with my silver sentry comics?"Mikey said. April and I look at each other.

"Oh, I needed something to wrap my stuff in and these were just lying about so I..."April said then we saw Mikey freaking out. "Calm down Mikey," I said. "I'm joking. I know better than to mess with a guy's comic" she said.

"Oh ha, ha real funny April. Enjoy your packing" Mikey said. He turns off the light. "Yep. Moving out's looking pretty good" April said and I chuckle. "Why don't you check on your boyfriend?"She said. "Raph isn't my boyfriend," I said.

"I didn't say which of the turtles," She said and giggled. I roll my eyes. "Sure and how about you go and visit my bro? I am sure he loves to take you out again~" I said before I left. I heard her groan. I giggle and then went to check on Raph. He really is a snorer.

I went behind his hammock. I push him out. He quickly got up with his sais. I giggle and he looks at me. "Alison?" he said. "Hey, yourself, "I said, winking. "Why did you do that?"He said. "Cause your snoring was bothering Mikey," I said, placing my hand on my waist.

"Whatever...Doesn't mean you had to push me out of my bed. I had a good dream" he said. "Sorry...so are you going to tell me about your good dream?"I said as I lean in. "Heh, what do you think?" he said as he lean in. I blush and push his face. "You weirdo," I said and we laugh.

"So since you 'woke' me up, let me ask you a question. Are you gonna tell my brother about your magic?" he said. I lean on the wall. "I...I don't know" I said. "Hey take your time," He said. "I'm just...afraid? I mean it is hard to trust someone... again.

I trust your brothers but not like how I trust you...get me? Plus with everything that is happening. I don't know when might be a good time" I said. "Hey. These people are my brothers. I am sure if you tell them, they won't think less of you" he said as he held my hand.

"Yeah. I...I will try"I said as I smile softly. "That's my girl," he said. He pulls me in and hugs me. I nuzzle on his chest. "Now that is settled...Let me have my beauty rest," he said. I laugh softly. "Alright, you big baby, "I said as I walk out.
We all arrive near the water.

Donnie told us that Mikey has something to tell us. "So I was like and it was all and I'm like then it got all and then it was all roar!"Mikey said. I look at him confused. "Crazy" Raph said. I nod. "Hold up guys. Raph, remember that albino croc we tangled with years ago?"Leo said. 

I look at Raph. When did that happen? He looks at me and winked. "Mike's croc could actually exist, "Leo said. "It does exist and it's all," Mikey said then made some weird noises. "We should have seen it coming, bro. You're one rib short of a barbecue" Raph said, poking Mikey's chest.

"Look I know what I saw there's a huge ugly reptile in the sewers...and for once it's not you, Raph. And I'll prove it to you, "Mikey said and threw the towel at Raph's face. "I'm going back down there and find that thing," Mikey said.

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