Headlock Prime

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The episode begins on the rooftop garden of Cody Jones's Penthouse. 

Splinter carries a potted bamboo out to the garden and then spots Raphael standing on the ledge staring out at the city. "Raphael?"Splinter said. He hops up on the ledge. "What troubles you, my son? Is it...girl trouble?"Splinter said.

"What? No. Alison and I are fine. Ahh. We're in the future, there's this whole new city out there to explore, and the guys just wanna sit on their butts in the penthouse"Raph said. "Yes, but remember, one must also make time to explore the landscape within, "Splinter said.

"Master Splinter, we can go out in broad daylight, and for the first time, nobody wants to put us in a cage or dissect us. What are you doing up here anyway?"Raph said. Master Splinter points to the garden. "I am cultivating a rooftop garden. A place of serenity and peace" Splinter said. 

A loud blaring horn makes them both cringe and they turn around to see a huge advertising blimp floating nearby. Mounted to its front is a giant balloon shaped like a wrestler. There are jumbotrons mounted on the sides and front of the blimp.

"The Galactic Wrestling Federation presents the 57th Slam-A-Thon!"The announcer said. The jumbotrons show wrestlers fighting. "See all your favorite wrestlers battle it out for the title in the cage match finale! This championship belt is what it's all about! Tonight at New Madison Square Garden!" he yell. Raph's mouth is wide open, his tongue sticking out. Then he grins. "Ho-ho! I'm there!"Raph said.

*Play theme song*

In the living room inside the penthouse, Donatello and Alison are seated on the floor tinkering with some electronics while Leonardo stands at the picture window which overlooks the city.

He look back and smile when Alison was pointing something at Donnie. Suddenly Michelangelo goes flying across the room, crashes into a stand, and smashes a vase. "How was that, Mikey?" Cody said. "Uh. I think you're getting the hang of the winged monkey style, Cody"Mikey said.

"There's no such thing as winged monkey style. That was a basic hip throw. Just remember, keep your arms straight on the release"Leo said. "Quit playing backseat sensei, Leo"Mikey said as he aside to Cody. "Just, uh, keep that arm straight," he said. 

Serling begins to clean up the mess. "Don't you have a state-of-the-art dojo for this kind of roughhousing?"Serling said. "Upgrading as we speak. The battle bots need a little toughening up" Donnie said. "Raph took down half a dozen before breakfast," Alison said then sighed.

Donnie pets her on the back. "By teaching Master Cody how to fight are you not encouraging him to put himself in danger?" Serling said. "Chill out, lug nuts. We're teaching Cody the art of self-defense so he can get himself out of trouble" Mikey said.

"Trouble that you hooligans will no doubt get him into. Uh. How many more antiques must be sacrificed for the art of self-defense? I don't want Queen Alison to be working herself too much" Serling said. "It strange to see him be nice for once" Donnie whispered.

Alison giggle. "Oh, hey, Mikey, I gotta show you something," Cody said. He walks away. Raph comes down the staircase. "Guys, you won't believe what I just saw. We have to go, now!"Raph said. "Huh?"Donnie said. "What is it?"Mikey said. "Is Viral  back?"Leo said.

"Pro wrestling! There's a tournament tonight!"Raph said. His brothers and his girlfriend stare at him and then go back to what they were doing. "Come on, guys. Sitting in the stands at a real-life pro wrestling match is something I dreamed about my whole life. We can all go, and we don't even have to wear disguises" He said.

"Or we could stay here and watch it on 3D holovision," Leo said. "Are you kidding me? Just once don't you actually wanna be there? Think about it; the sights, the sounds, the smells of crazy wrestling madness all over everything"Raph said. 

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