31: The Leaders (3)

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Powerful aura can be felt outside the territory.

Outside the territory is the leading figures of the towers and the clans that are related.

The leader of the Wisdom Tower named Alleyorta is a man who is in his 40's, he has a handsome face coupled with his crimson hair and  blue eyes.

The leader of the White Tower is a pope, he is Francis, wearing a white robe with golden linings. He is also a man who looks like in his 40's, he doesn't even have a scratch on his face and he looks like glowing. He has light yellow hair and golden eyes.

The leader of the Dark Tower can be said to be the opposite, she is Lily, wearing a dark robe with red linings. She looks like in her teens, but her eyes says otherwise. She has an alluring body and aura, even her scent. She is a beautiful woman where ordinary people can't resist. She has Green hair and green eyes.

The leader of the last tower which is the Combat Tower, he is a big man. Named Leon, his buff body and the giant axe in his back with his aura, he is like a predator. A combatant who is always ready in fight. His black hair and Orange eyes with his bruised body and face put his charm to the next level.

While on the other hand, the Principal is an old woman. She is Principal Celine, the 27th Principal of the Academy. She is an old woman. But you can't deny her beauty.

The two most powerful clans which is the Saint Clan and Blood Clan, their leaders are looking at each other and looks like they're going to tear apart their throats.

They're both women, they're also both beautiful but it can be said that, the Saint's Clan leader which is Megan looks like a goddess that is benevolent.

The Blood's Clan leader which is Teresa, she is dark. Her appearance is dark but there is still elegance in it, but beneath is cruelty.

There is also the leader of other clans.

Although they're strong, they're not that great compared to this seven. But between the seven, all the six is having a respect attitude to the Principal.

All of them totalled 16, the leaders of other races is also here.

They're outside the territory of the Undyed, the letters that they can read which is somewhat unique picked their interest.

It is a different alphabet but they can read it as if it's known. The elegant calligraphy plus it is floating and circling the whole territory.

If you glance up, you'll see the floating island. 8 floating island which is smaller than the middle is in the sides shaped Octagon.

Those smaller floating islands has a tall pillars that connects them to each other with chains. Bubbles is also in the air.

The biggest floating island which is in the middle, it is the island with the highest altitude. You can see a big shadow, the clouds is covering it.

The shadow is on the shape of a castle just like the Academy.

Below the territory is houses, there is also the portal point. A big clock tower in the middle where even outside you can see. It is tickling.

There are residents who is also part of the Academy, they're exiting and entering. Some will glance at them but didn't dare to say anything.

They can by pass the barrier like there is nothing.

Alleyorta cast an analysis spell but didn't find anything unusual. The same for the others, they tried to gauge but didn't find anything.

The leaders is totalling 16, but some of them have someone who accompanied them. It is their closest aide or secretary something.

As for Pope Francis, a knight is what accompanied him.

The territory is beautiful, mesmerising and the structures of the buildings are different.

In front of them, a shadow manifest.

The leaders got alerted but before they could, Bin who manifest in the shadow bowed and said.

"I am Bin," then he take a small tokens and gave them to each individual here.

"This is the token that will lead you above. Master said that the meeting will start 1 hour from now. It that one hour, you can explore the territory.

You just need to broke the token then it will teleport you to the meeting place. That is all. Goodbye"

Then Bin disappeared out of nowhere, there is no trace left.

"Interesting" said Leon.

"That's terrible, I feel the death griping me" said one of the clan leader

"I agree"

"Same for me, it is really horrible"

'He didn't even phase when he glance at me' thinking Lily, Megan and Teresa.

They're confident in their beauties, but the man who appeared out of nowhere didn't even got distracted to them.

Of course, Bin is handsome too, he is much more appealing now. But the thing is The leaders here see many beauties so they didn't phase too.

It can be said that they have a high resistance to charm, but still some of them got distracted slightly when Bin appeared.

His appearance is really unique, the atmosphere he is emanating is both a pleasure and poison.

For dark professions it is a pleasure, but for others it is a poison.

Bin can eliminate that atmosphere of him, but he chooses not too.

The leaders entered the territory. Then they immediately separated from each other. Started exploring the territory.

1 hour is enough for powerful beings, they can move fast.

There is those who entered the buildings, those who goes to the hall. In the inner district, core district and so on.

They explored the territory, not only explored. Someone is even making a map, but what they didn't know is, it is useless.

This territory is different from theirs.

They got mesmerized in the halls, it is a beautiful scenery and they got transported in another dimension.

As of now, the inner district doesn't contain any restaurant or even a shop. But it is still beautiful, although no one the scenery is beautiful.

For them 1 hour is enough, but they found it short now. They wanted to explore more.

Even the Principal is amazed at the hall, it is a grandiose sight. Different from the others.

Since the Undyed Territory is a new territory, it is a mystery. Only those who live here knows the beauty. But no one can confirm it since even recording it inside is a ban.

Their recording will be broken immediately, so it is only a hearsay. Those who lives outside didn't confirm it, but base on the description it is amazing.

Now that they confirm it, it is not only amazing. This is a masterpiece.

Although empty since it is not open and only new, once this expanded it will become the most popular place.

They set the standard so high, the leaders found their territory shabby but since it is theirs. They comfort their selves.

1 hour passed. When they crushed the token, they appear in a grand hall.

Tall Pillars is in the side, there is a long hallway that leads to many door.

Bin appeared and smiled at them.

"As of now, I am the one who will guide you to the meeting room. Sorry for my slightly stiff manner since this is not my job.

The others is busy and doing important thing so they're absent. Please follow me"

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