17: Eram Klaus

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2 days have already passed, and the recording of the birth of the Floating Island spread in the whole Academy.

It is also quite eye-catching at night since that specific territory is the only one that's bright.

Earthlings that are now in Academy got a clue that the one who does that is also a summon like them, but a powerful one.

The name Ciel Clente already spread, even Ain, Bin, Cin, and Din's names are already famous in the whole Academy.

Eram Klaus is also known now since the Undyed has now 6 members.

The prestige of the new clan is already high, it's only a territory but they built it in a matter of hours.

During these 2 days, in the Wisdom Tower. Ciel is still didn't done scanning the books in the Wisdom Tower but he only needs a little time before he is done.

[388,182,928 Books have been scanned]

[388,183,239 Books have been scanned]

After an hour

[489,812,113 Books have been scanned]

[Scanning... Completed]

[A total of 500,182,647 Books have been scanned]

[Initiating filtration...]

[In the process...]

[In the process...]

[In the process...]


[Start absorbing knowledge? Yes/No]


[Confirmed 'Yes' Absorbing Starting]

[18 Hours for complete Absorption]

[Countdown Start]

Then Ciel feels pain, but it is mild which he can still endure.

But as time passes it got painful and painful.

[Pain Detected]

[Started Nullity]

[Pain Nullity Start]

Then the pain that I got in my head magically vanished. The information keeps sending and sending.

I used the full degree of "Thought Acceleration"

My mind works hundreds of billions of times but still keeps increasing.

My limit is hundreds of quadrillion times. The flow of information is like normal.

In the outside world, only 18 hours passed but in my mind it is eternity.

Due to my being cold-blooded, I didn't need sleep and can always keep my mind calm but I am exhausted.

My mind is in a groggy state.

I need to sleep for at least a whole day.

After 18 hours all the knowledge I've obtained has been absorbed.

My mind is tired, I need a break. I open my eye and in my eye, you can see scenes that keep flashing.

I look at Eram who is looking at me and said in a tired voice "Sleepy"

Then I sleep, before I fall on the floor Eram catches me and he smiles.

Eram smiles at the man that he is holding, although this man is wearing a mask with a mischievous smile and his eyes are shut, you can feel the aura of peacefulness to him plus the aura of mysteriousness.

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