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The food is not great. That is my impression of this restaurant. To be precise this is not a restaurant but an Inn.

At least I had my fill. I also rent a room, I need a plan so I can proceed. First I need people.

It's already morning, I need to move again. I go back to the slums, but this time instead of a dirty man, I wore clean clothes.

Since I need people, the slums are the best option. I roam the slums to find some suitable people but I couldn't find anything.

"Please help my brother, please. I will do everything."

A saw a boy, he's thin, so skinny. He is kneeling and banging his head in the corner and shouting so loud 'Please help my brother, please. I will do everything'

He keeps repeating those words. He picked my interest so I glanced at him.

<< Master, that boy has a special body that is suitable for mana. It is just pure of impurities that's why it's blocked, after cleansing he can absorb mana naturally. >>


<< It's a true master. If he studies magic he will become a great magician. >>

I am shocked, didn't expect that my luck will be this good. I approached the boy.

I am now in front of him standing, I didn't speak and he continued banging his head. Until the time he notice me he stopped and look up at me.

He was dazed when he met my eyes, he's in that dazed for two minutes before coming back to reality and immediately pleaded.

"Mister, please help my brother. I will do anything, please just help my brother."

"Lead the way" my tone is not soft not intimidating but you will feel that I spoke it without emotion.

The boy nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Even though he felt no emotions toward me he still leads the way, 'cause I'm the only one who approached him despite banging his head and pleading in the streets.

Soon I found myself in a dark area, it reeks of garbage, there was a disgusting smell everywhere, there are even people who are naked and doing something to the girl. The girl is not pleading but there's ecstasy on her face. It is four against one.

In the other corner, there are kids eating leftovers. All of them are thin. Some people will glance at me but didn't dare to move or even speak.

The boy that I follow stops, he is now facing a wooden house so small. It is smaller than the one that I use. He opens the door, there's no table or chair, only three boys. One of the boys is lying on the floor and there's a look of pain on his face like any time he will die soon. The other two are not that bad, the one has bruises and scratches all over his body while the other is taking care of them even though he has dark circles under his eyes.

And all of them have the same faces, their only difference is their bodies. The boy that I follow is skinny, the one lying on the floor is all bones, the guy who has bruises and scratches is more masculine, while the one who is taking care of is agile like I can lift him with my finger.


"Oh Cin, you're already back? You didn't find anyone who will help us again right? Those trash people" the ones with the bruises.

"Cin sorry we don't have food anymore, I know that you didn't eaten for the last 4 days and I know that you're hungry but if Din didn't eat I think he will be dead by now. Even I and Ain didn't eat since it is only a small portion, if Ain didn't snatch food in the bakery Din will be dead by now. I am sorry Cin" the one who has dark circles under his eye.

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