30. The Leaders (2)

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Ciel who saw that all are ready, immediately deployed the plan.

He lifted his hands and started chanting. This is not a spell, this is a ritual.

[The Ritual of Rebirth is in progress]

[Life Force is being payed as a price for non-existence materials]

[Detected that Life Force is non-existence, materials are being created out of nowhere]

[Cores which is the purest is created]

[Cores which is the purest is created]




[Integrating to the core less ones]

[Extraction of impurities started]

[Core modifications is in progress]

The core that Ciel is creating is the purest core, it is a blank core that will mature with your hands. It can be ordinary, extraordinary, unique or even a special one.

It depends on how you nurture it.

The system keeps ringing and different reminder is given. It is not necessary but Ciel choose this way.

On the other hand, those who are sitting cross-legged are experiencing pleasure and pain at the same time.

It is unbearable but they didn't let it break their concentration. The monsters, beasts, and so on are the same.

Ciel is doing a ritual where he's going to modified and create cores for them. Since the core is only in the purest, it is not difficult.

If he choose to make cores which is already special, it will take a lot of calculations and time. Nurturing a core is more easier and convenient than giving a special one.

Since the clan is based on contribution, it is their motivation to become strong. If they want to be unique then they should do their hard work.

30 minutes passed, the monsters who are big are now different. They're strong and also got bigger or can alter their sizes.

The core less ones are now can start again with their journey. Since all of them are experienced, they immediately knows what to do.

The cores they got, they also got the purpose of it. The mages immediately tries to convert the cores to what they want, they accumulated mana in the atmosphere.

The warriors who learns martial arts, is the opposite. The gather the energy in their cores and spread it to their bodies.

Different situations for different professions. Although their core is now started taking shape it is still not mature.

But if compared to their previous once, this is better since they're going to nurture it to what they want.

The beasts is not welcome in their beasts forms, so Ciel gave them gifts to let them change to their human forms. Most of them are kids, at the age of 7 and above.

Their exact age? It is not known.

Monsters is an exception, they now have tattoos in their body parts. The symbol is the Undyed symbol which is a blank sphere that is glowing and keeps changing.

It is a symbol that changes, but the unique part is the white border which is glowing.

The middle of the symbol is the only changes not the background, it changes depends on what you desire, pursue or more.

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