13: Choice

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Then he took a paper in his dimension and place it separately in the stack of paper.

The receptionist who is in a daze immediately woke up and began working immediately. She scans the missions and posts the recruitment that Cin gave her in the Recruitment hall.

Cin accepted a thousand missions, it only takes 5 minutes for it to be Scanned and the receptionist nodded.

"A total of 34,929 missions ranging from G-S. Would you like to put a separate Mission Hall in your clan territory? I will send a receptionist there to settle in, and it will be connected to all of the Mission Hall available in the whole area."

"Wait," said Cin, then he take out his wand that is on his waist and move it in some weird gestures.

A mini-hologram immediately materializes in front of Cin, only Cin can see it and not others. But the Magicians can feel a terrifying concentration of Mana in front of Cin, it is so condensed that you'll that once it broke it will cause a catastrophe.

Magicians and Healers got goosebumps, while the Warriors may not feel the mana but immediately feels that something changed in the atmosphere.

"Master," Cin said and bow politely

In the hologram, Ciel can be seen. The spell that Cin cast is not his spell, it is a spell that is in his wand which Ciel gave. It uses the surrounding mana and concentrates on perfection to form a connection to the other side of the person he is willing to call.

Ciel called this spell "Live Call"

"What's the matter?"

Cin recounted what the receptionist said, Ciel on the other side didn't move.

The people-watching Cin talk in the air didn't know what was going on, no they didn't know why he is talking in the air.

"I'll be there"


Then Ciel cut the call, Cin also put his wand in his waist and the mana in the surrounding immediately become stable as nothing happen.

It only took a slight delay, not even a second for the mana to stabilise. The Magicians sigh in relief but immediately all the people got goosebumps again.

A human appears in the back of Cin, there's no disturbance of mana in the surrounding, even the atmosphere is the same it's just like he appears out of nowhere.

A beautiful man in white appeared. Although he is wearing a veil it can't conceal his beauty. Whether it is a man or woman, they not only blushed but there's also blood dripping on their nose.

Others have lust in their eyes but didn't dare to move 'cause they feel that once they move they'll die.

Some freshmen fainted, and some even are seniors.

People who have a weakness in beauty and have weak minds faint on the spot, the veil that Ciel wears before is thick white but not it is white but also likes a transparent. If he still attracts attention in his thick white veil what's the use of that? So he modified the veil to be transparent and thin.

He just wears a veil since he always wears one for this 1 month and he easily got used to it.

Cin didn't speak, he is also shocked because Ciel's veil changes when he is calling him he still wears the thick white veil but has not changed.

Cin is still not immune to Ciel's beauty, no he can't be immune, it will always have this feeling of attraction. Ciel will only be beautiful and beautiful in his eyes.

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