𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗻: 𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲

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2475 words

his heart was as cold as ice, his gaze frosty like a winter's night. rumours spread throughout the kingdom of his cruel actions and even crueller family.

everyone hated the king, so everyone hated the royal family too. their spineless queen stood next to a man that didn't care for her or her children. the ladies in waiting were known for their pomposity, and the distant relatives who owned castles elsewhere throughout the land were known to be just as bad.

sunghoon was the oldest of the king's two descendants and the heir to the throne. the only hope the kingdom had, he had once been nicknamed. however, that was a distant memory in the shattered hearts of the townspeople, who felt god and everyone else had just forsaken them.

y/n was no different when she first arrived at the palace, hating everyone there because it just felt like the right thing to do. she should have counted herself lucky to have a job, since many others her age didn't, but she hated every second of the life she was given.

kneeling every so often to greet the royals as they passed by dirtied her legs and her skirt--which when brand new was a pale yellow and now resembled more of a smoky grey, a testament to her hard work scrubbing the hard stone floors--and her back ached from leaning over all the time. the nights of the balls were demanding, but every day was just as bad, with no food or breaks for hours, and a sack of straw as a poor excuse for a bed. seeing the affluence that surrounded the family she was employed by, it was only time before she began envying their riches and wanting their cosiness for herself.

"quick, someone's coming!" one of the other maids yelled down the hallway, a call to the young women who had taken a break to stand up, something they were forbidden to do by the king himself.

positioning themselves towards the edges of the corridors to accommodate whoever would be walking past, they rushed to their stations, knees pushed hard against the stone and heads down, dragging their rags across the surface despite how much pain it caused.

"good evening sir," the head maid curtsied at the man who gave her nothing more than a tight-lipped smile, no words being uttered.

without having to turn around (because she would surely be punished if she did so), y/n could tell that it was prince sunghoon who had arrived, for he was the only one who didn't criticise her when everyone else would. his heels clobbered against the hard floor, echoing down the hall as he walked, and in those reverberations, y/n could feel her bones pounding against the floor.

"all clear," someone shouted, as soon as the man was out of earshot, and y/n let out a sigh of relief as she massaged her knees. he was definitely the most forgiving of them all, but she couldn't let herself forget that he too was royalty, and more than that, that he would one day be king.

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