𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗴𝘄𝗼𝗻: 𝗮 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘆 𝗱𝗮𝘆

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1102 words

y/n was just leaving the convenience store when it started to rain, harshly pelting her with water. with no coat to shelter her, she began the journey back home on her bicycle. it wasn't too far, ten minutes or so, but in this weather, she didn't want to spend even ten minutes here.

caught up in the cold, she pulled her sleeves up further, covering her hands slightly, and breathed sharply, taking in as much air as she could, before rubbing the cold from her nose, and shaking the water from her hair.

after a few minutes, it started to get worse. puddles of varying sizes had formed on the side of the roads, and she had to brave them. feeling the impact with each one, she simultaneously felt a warm wetness down her face, and realised that she was crying. she wasn't sobbing; the tears kept coming out with no sound or emotion to facilitate it; she felt numb mentally and physically for the rest of the ride home.

jungwon was sat in his bedroom, at his desk. he could see out of his window, and watched as the rain started to flood his cul-de-sac. he watched the raindrops run down the glass, reminiscing how he would pit them against each other to race, as a child. he watched as they cascaded further down the panel, before disappearing and sat in expectation for more to come. he had been successfully distracted.

meanwhile, y/n, jungwon's neighbour, was nearly back. she was drenched, clearly she hadn't foreseen the rain, and jungwon could even see her shiver, as she hopped from foot to foot keeping warm whilst putting her bike away.

he knocked on the glass, catching her attention. she looked up at him, pushing the sopping hair out of her face to see him, as more rain lashed down on her. she shook her head, no longer wanting to be outside, and ran inside. jungwon shut his curtains, cursing the weather.

y/n pushed open the front door, before unbuckling her boots and throwing hoodie on the bannister, all the while being freezing cold and trying to warm herself up.

she went up the stairs, and reached her room; a cosy, warm heaven compared to the hell outside she had recently faced. she began to pick up garments from the floor, inspecting just how sweaty they were before finding an apt one to put on.

she contemplated making a hot drink or a waterbottle, but decided it would be too much fuss. she put on a new pair of fuzzy socks, and changed into a new pair of leggings.

the view from her window was mostly covered by trees, so she couldn't see her neighbour from her window. she went into her parents room, where she could look over and watch jungwon. however, when she arrived, she saw that his curtains were drawn: not a good sign.

with all the strength she could muster, she dragged herself downstairs, putting on the closest pair of shoes, opening the door, and embracing the cold air again.

she knocked on his front door, to which his mum opened up.

"hello y/n, jungwon's upstairs as per usual."

"thank you mrs yang, by the way, is he upset today? he has his windows closed."

"i don't believe so, but we both know that boy can be full of teenage angst at times."

y/n smiled, surpressing a laugh. what mrs yang was really referring to was how jungwon had recently become very aggressive when y/n hadn't been over for a month. mrs yang had told her as they had passed on y/n's way to school. y/n had sworn that she wouldn't tell jungwon, it was her secret.

y/n took off her shoes, and snuck up the stairs to jungwon's room. the stairs creaked as she touched them, but not too loudly. she hoped jungwon hadn't noticed.

she decided to enter his room without knocking, hoping that he would be fully clothed. she opened the door, and thankfully, he was still sat in the place she had last seen him; he was still at his desk. he quickly got up and went over to hug y/n, not caring that she was very cold and wet; he loved her attention, and loved sharing his space with her.

"i'm not even going to complain that you smell like dirty water, because i'm so glad you're here. are you cold? well.. of course you're cold, but do you want to cuddle and wear my warm clothes?"

y/n nodded, walking over to his chest of drawers, before picking out some hoodies he had stashed away. she knew these were there because they were practically hers at the moment; just in storage at his house. she turned around in surprise to see jungwon taking off his hoodie, exposing his chest.

"woah, thanks for the show." she joked, poking him in the middle of his stomach.

"i was warming them up, these are my only warm clothes," he explained, and y/n felt herself crumble at his kind intentions. she hadn't thought of that, and he was just so thoughtful that he had.

she took the clothes, putting them on in a way to mimic how jungwon had taken them off, before walking back over to him.

he held out his hands like a child asking for a lollipop, grabbing the air as though it would make y/n come to him faster. when she had finally approached him, he pulled her close and snuggled into her neck, sighing contently as he wrapped himself around her and her around him.

he switched on his tv, before passing an xbox controller to y/n, and grabbing the other for himself. he turned to ask y/n what game they should play, but before the question even left his mouth, he knew the answer: minecraft.

they sat and played, building more houses on their previously created world, interacting with each other in-game, even though they could see each other's screens at the same time, defeating the point. after a while, y/n felt sleepy, and told jungwon that she was going to sleep. in reply, he moved her controller out of the way, removed his from his lap, and replaced it with her head, resting between his knees and thighs.

he played with her hair, tying to braid it before unravelling the mess he had created, softly, as to not disturb y/n, and leaned back, making himself comfortable too.

he closed his eyes, hearing the rain still pitter-pattering against his window, but now, hours later, she was safe and warm inside.

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