𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗻: 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗳

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997 words

y/n knew that her boyfriend sunghoon would be on her cooking program. he hadn't stopped bragging about it since he had received his schedule for the month that entailed the exact date and time that they would be filming it. y/n would be supportive of him, but she knew that sunghoon was about to embarrass himself, herself, and his members by being on her show.

she had always enjoyed cooking with him, but more so his company rather than his actual skills, as an actual penguin would be more skilled at cutting vegetables and following her instructions than him, although she would never say it directly to his face.

he could make a soggy ramen, or burnt toast, but unfortunately for him, y/n didn't like either of those dishes, so he would have to step his game up if he ever wanted a chance to win her competition show.

the day arrived, and each of the seven enhypen members had a bench no longer than a metre wide. with various utensils and appliances, they had all the space and equipment that they could need there, except for the ingredients which were on a large table in the centre of the studio. stocked with a colourful variety of vegetables, a selection of meats, and a neat display of garnishes amongst other supplies, it was the focus of the room.

sunghoon was prepared to cheat, to beg, and steal to win, so he had already scoped out the bench next to the best chef of the group, jay, so that he could watch the master at work. he watched the older male wash his hands, as he did the same; he watched jay take out some pots and pans, and sunghoon took the same utensils too.

as soon as y/n gave her typical introduction to the show, and wished everyone a courteous 'good luck', she stood at the side, and watched the boys scramble over the largest pieces of meat, and as many packets of noodles they could hold; ni-ki impressively carried 5 packets of instant food to his work table before dropping them, and undoubtedly breaking what was inside.

she didn't want to be biased, but y/n did have an eye on her boyfriend for the entire two hours that the timer allowed for them to cook. she tried not to pity him, and it was difficult for her to not intervene as he almost cut his finger off cutting potatoes with a peeler. it didn't help her to look over at jay, who was clearly miles ahead of the other, both in time and skills.

y/n counted her victories as sunoo accidentally burned his finger by picking up a pan of boiling water from the base. at least sunghoon wasn't alone in his lack of experience, and wouldn't stand out that much, among some of the worst contestants she had ever welcomed onto the set.

the odds changed a little though, as y/n watched jungwon secretly empty half a jar of chilli powder into jay's broth unnoticed. it was against the rules for her to interfere, so she could only sit back and watch the drama unfold.

with jay somewhat out of the running, jake was the next best cook, currently grilling ribs that he had managed to marinate in a simple barbecue sauce. it looked good, and y/n was looking forward to trying it. she looked over at her boyfriend after eyeing the ribs for a few minutes, to see him staring back at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

it was as if he was going to punish her for staring at someone else's food. his eyes travelled back and forth between jake's desk and his girlfriend, as though he was making sure that he had her full attention: that she was watching him and only him.

the second jake went to wash the sticky mixture off of his hands, sunghoon was at his workbench, moving around the salt and sugar in their respective places, and the herbs that all looked almost identical. if jake didn't know what seasoning he was using, then he would easily make a gross concoction. pleased with his work, sunghoon skated over to his desk as though he hadn't just sabotaged his friend.

in the end, the food was barely edible. with a record-breakingly low winner's score, sunghoon did in fact win, with his very rare steak and strangely cut vegetables.

even more impressively, the group were invited for another week, this time to follow chef y/n's instructions, and make a chosen difficult dish with minimal guidance.

y/n had watched each boy pay full attention to her, and managed to (in her opinion) explain very clearly what was asked of the meal. however, as some of the younger boys started to slack off, she started to be stricter, and meaner, to have their full attention.

sometimes she'd give instructions in english just to see if anyone was listening to her: obviously then jay and jake would follow straight through with whatever she had asked, and after looking at jake, heeseung would too. ni-ki, sunoo, and jungwon would be doing their own thing, not caring if their food was made accurately, and sunghoon would be spacing out just as much as he had been doing for the rest of the hour, which y/n found funny, although it did annoy her that her boyfriend was not listening to a word she was saying, or had been saying for the previous hour that she had been instructing him.

she asked a question to sunghoon, something about the ingredients he was fiddling with his hands, and he looked at her like a deer in headlights. the older boys of the group started laughing, and y/n found herself facepalming. proving her suspicions to be correct, sunghoon humiliated her as he proudly showed the camera the dried basil in his hands, and confidently called it chicken stock.

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