𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗻: 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗽

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1264 words

right at the bottom of the rulebook, in bold, it clearly spelt out that romances were forbidden between counsellors. so then what cruel trick was the world playing on her that this was the time she'd encounter the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her whole uneventful life so far?

between glances over breakfast when sunghoon would utter a few words in reply to her grabbing plates for him, and helping her carry logs back to camp when y/n had piled so many in her arms that she couldn't see, y/n knew almost nothing about the person she was deeply crushing on.

"could you get me the orange juice, y/n?" she snapped out of her train of thought, giving him the jug with two shaky hands she hoped he wouldn't think too much about.

"thanks." she felt her face warm up as his hands brushed against hers.

"miss y/n, why do you get so shy around mr sunghoon?" she knew sooner or later that the overconfident preteens she was babysitting would embarrass her at some point, she just hoped it wouldn't be in front of sunghoon.

"what do you mean, jeonghan? it's rude to talk with your mouth full, and everyone's tired first thing in the morning." y/n asked the boy staring at her with furrowed brows, as if he was studying every inch of her like a riddle.

"why didn't you talk with him at the campfire on friday? is it because you have a crush on him?"

y/n locked eyes with the head supervisor, who was currently staring her down. 

fuck, she was in trouble.

"no, no." y/n put her cutlery on her plate and pushed it away from her. taking a large gulp of her drink, she put it down before making eye contact with sunghoon, who had an unreadable expression.

"well, you know the rules." the supervisor alluded to the allegation made, making it crystal clear that there was no room for bargaining.

the children that had been watching mindlessly began to stack their plates as the bell sounded for the end of breakfast, giving y/n five minutes to brace herself clearing up before facing the group.

she dropped some of the flimsy plastic plates, accidentally, as she tried to carry them into the kitchen all in one go. unsuccessfully stacking the red and blue pieces in a tower, y/n heaved the dropped plates from the floor back into her arms as she took a breather.

"those kids, eh?" 

fortunately, y/n had unloaded the plates onto the counter, otherwise, the reaction she made towards sunghoon's words would have led to the pile being flung in every direction. she had a bad feeling about where this conversation would lead.

"i think they want us to get in trouble sometimes," y/n answered, vaguely to protect her integrity.

"yesterday bomi ran off whilst we were on a group hike, these kids are a liability." 

y/n laughed as she sorted out the plates from the cutlery. it was funny to see him stressed, and the impatience in his voice, coupled with the bright pink rubber gloves he was using to wash up. she felt lucky to spend the summer with him, even if they couldn't be anything more than friends. 


"yeah," she replied, now looking up at him.

"don't take what they say seriously, they don't know what they're talking about."

what would sunghoon say if he found out there was some truth in what they had suggested?

she nodded, and carried on her job, quickly finishing since there wasn't much to do.

"i'm on the rota to do the scavenger hunt today," y/n pulled on her coat, "i need to set off soon with the kids to get to the activity point."

"have fun!" sunghoon replied, "i'm on for bracelet making and i can assure you that will not be fun."

y/n waved goodbye as she headed out of the kitchen, and out of the cabin, although it was such a big building that perhaps cabin wasn't the right word. walking up the gravelly path towards the information board, she took the appropriate number of maps and compasses and sat down as she waited for the bell to ring.

not long after, it rang, and a rush of kids came towards her, dressed in coats and waterproofs like her.

"is everyone ready for a scavenger hunt?" she shouted, gaining their attention, before taking the register.

"i want you to pick pairs and stay together. you'll get a map and a compass to share, but i'll give you them when we arrive at the forest. does that sound good?"

a canon of yeses followed before they formed a line. y/n walked to the back of the line to supervise them all as they walked, and as she did so she spotted that sunghoon had finished his jobs and was watching her with his body leaning against the door of the room he had just exited.

"have fun," he mouthed, and shared a smile, before y/n had to turn around and direct her group.

their scavenger hunt went as planned, at least for the first 15 minutes. thankfully another staff member was present, as one child fell and cut her knee open on a sharp rock.

being the first aid lead, she lead the injured girl back to the main area of the camp, sitting on a bench with her as she took out the kit. applying antiseptic wipes, she cleaned the wound, which was small enough to be covered with just a large plaster. she was going to accompany the girl for the rest of the hour-and-a-half period, and fetched her a water bottle.

the courtyard was empty now that activities had begun, leading y/n to make up her own mind up on what they should do.

 knowing that sunghoon was in a nearby building doing an activity that would be appropriate for the injured girl, y/n's decision to do bracelet-making was heavily biased.

opening the door ahead of them, y/n peaked in to ask if there was room for two more, to which sunghoon nodded, although he was confused as to why she was there asking.

"she got hurt, and she's under my supervision."

sunghoon nodded and started to explain where the patterns were and which beads went with which threads, yet the rest of his group not having threaded a single bead yet gave y/n all the knowledge she needed to assess the situation.

"do you want me to lead?" she asked, seeing sunghoon struggle.

"ah," sunghoon let out a noise in frustration as he knocked off the beads he had been threading onto the floor.

"yes please."

there was a second of eye contact between them, as y/n awaited sunghoon to say something more. swallowing the saliva that had built up in anticipation, y/ looked down to the table they had sat at and picked up the necessary items.

"okay, everyone pay attention for just a minute."

each day that passed from then on, the two became closer, and y/n felt gradually more and more comfortable being her unfiltered self in front of him. from meeting each other before bedtime when y/n had taken off her makeup and sunghoon called her beautiful, to the smile he gave at the sound of her laughter, sunghoon gave y/n the go ahead and permission to let go, with no strings attached.

however, in the flurry of excitement of her newfound freedom, y/n had forgotten the all too sinister 'romances were forbidden'.

after the dust had settled and y/n began to see just how deep she had fallen, it was a sobering thought that her relationship with him could go no further. 

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