"What if the maiden already made her choice?" I ask loudly.

Several Gods and Goddesses turn their attention towards me, looking surprised. No one answers, giving me the inspiration to continue.

I stand a little taller, determined to not let fear overtake me. "You talk about customary....But what about my decision? What about what I want? Why does that just get ignored?"

Amphitrite gives a harsh laugh. "Oh my...If it were up to you, you would have both my son and the traitor eating out of the palm of your hand!"

Judging by the multiple murmurs that begin to take place, it seems no woman in the large room likes the idea of me leading Triton on . As multiple Goddess's start to glare at me, I don't let the dirty looks break my confidence. I try to look as mad as I feel, determined not to show fear. "NO! My choice is Luke. Always has been, always will be." I declare quietly, as Luke tightens his arm around my waist.

But as Amphitrite gives me a heavy roll of eyes, I realize it's completely useless to try to persuade her not to do this. She doesn't care. She's already made up her mind regarding Luke. But I suppose she isn't the only person I can try to talk reason to....There's another person, and he's involved in this stupid duel as well...

"Come on, Triton. Don't do this." I plead, turning my attention to him instead. "Don't let your mom dictate how you should live your life....Don't make her do this...Don't take away the guy I love just because you're mad."

Triton's green eyes flicker to me, looking conflicted. Can someone truly be that petty? Can he be so immature, he's really willing to go through with killing a guy just because I don't like him back? As I stare at Triton with misty eyes, it seems to soften him up a bit, because he winces heavily. "It's not that simple, Carys..."

"Yes it is!!" I insist angrily. "Yes it is that simple!! All you have to do is let us go, and that's that." I shrug weakly.

"Luke Castellan literally threw the first hit." Amphitrite announces. "So the duel shall take place!"

A loud laugh echoes around the room, where all eyes turn back to where Apollo stands. He's been so very quiet listening to me, I nearly forgot he was here.

His appealing laugh continues, until Apollo seems satisfied all eyes are now on his glowing form. "Do you find me above harming your children out of vengeance, auntie?"

Amphitrite glowers down at him, where it sounds like a low snarl comes from the back of her throat. "You would not dare..."

"Oh, I would dare." Apollo says brightly, rubbing his hands together as he takes slow, calculated steps towards the thrones of Poseidon and Amphitrite. "Don't you remember Niobe?"

Murmured tones overtake the room, as the name seems to hold meaning to everyone around. Ampitrite suddenly sits up in her seat, as does Poseidon. Luke winces heavily beside me, and his action is copied by Annabeth, Thalia, and Grover.

Percy, Jason, Drew and I look at each other in confusion. "Who's that?"

I'll be the first to admit that I'm somewhat terrible at paying attention to characters in Greek history. The same can be said for Percy, Jason, and even Drew too. We're not the best students.....We've probably heard mention of this person named Niobe, but right now it isn't ringing any familiar bells.

"A daughter of Tantalus." Luke whispers into my ear. "She had fourteen children...One day, she mocked Leto that her children were more talented than Leto's. In retaliation, Leto's children slaughtered the children of Niobe. All seven sons died at the hands of Apollo, while all seven daughters to Artemis. No one was spared....Not even the youngest who begged for their lives." He says into my ear, before laying his forehead against the top of my head.

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