"Unnie?" Lily asked, looking concerned at the blood-soaked bandage. "Did you hurt yourself?"

"It is only a little cut," she said, smiling. 

"But still a cut!" she insisted. "Bandages are meant to help, why did you take it off?"

Adara smiled again. "I found the bandages a bit excessive, it's not even bleeding anymore."

But Lily had a determined expression. "I will become a knight to protect you!"

Adara couldn't help the wide smile that formed at that, and the Count and Countess were somewhat surprised. "Of course, you will be the best knight in the Kingdom."

Lily smiled again, leaving the conversation at that and starting to eat.

Staring at her full plate, she realised that she should also start eating. Taking a bite, she smiled as the wonderful flavours exploded in her mouth. Beacrox sure was a good cook, she might not mind staying here for half a month if she got to eat food like this. Cale also liked the food, as he let out a small smile.

Basen was so surprised he dropped his cutlery. Adara choked at his expression.

Basen quickly regained control though he still looked surprised. "My apologies."

Adara swallowed her food and started laughing. That attracted all of their attention.

"Lady Adara?" Countess Violan asked. "Is everything alright?"

Adara nodded gingerly, still smiling. "Everything's fine, Basen just saw Cale smile for the first time."

They all blinked.

Lily looked up at her, confused. "Orabeoni-nim can smile?"

Adara only laughed more at that. "Of course, he can," she said once she caught her breath. "He always smiles when we're alone, he even laughs. It's completely normal, don't worry. He just really likes the food."

Cale shot her a grateful look. Thank you for saving me, his eyes said.

She only smiled, a small voice in the back of her head whispered, You're not Cale, you're not Cale, you're not Cale, you're not Cale, over and over again.

There was a wine glass by both of their plates and so in perfect harmony, they picked up their glass, swirled it around, and took a sip. Despite being unnerved by their unison, the Henituse family watched in confusion as they kept their manners. Well, as mannered as they could be as Trash.

"Uhm... Cale?"

"It's delicious," he responded.

Count Deruth, almost automatically replied, "Right, it tastes like trash—" he paused. Staring at Cale. "Did you just say delicious?"

Cale nodded. "Yes, everything tastes wonderful."

"I agree, the sausage is very juicy. Send Beacrox my regards," Adara said, taking another bite. Countess Violan raised a groomed eyebrow, the edges of her lips turning down. How did she know Beacrox made it?

Count Deruth stuttered, a bizarre expression on his face. "R-right! It's delicious! It's nice to know you're both enjoying the food. 

"Yes, please make sure you eat a lot as well, Father."

Once breakfast was finished, Count Deruth made his way to their side of the table.

"Is there anything you need?"

Cale thought about it for a few seconds. Before looking at the Count. "Money. Please give me some money."

Adara could see a twinkle in his eyes as she suppressed a grin. Cale got a big allowance whenever he asked, so this was not out of the ordinary.

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