The Beginning

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I ran around the underground looking around for food and money. My dad, Kenny Ackerman had abandoned me here a few years ago. I almost have enough money to get out of here. I found out that stealing is essential to survive and I just found a my first victim of the day. I finally escaped and ran around until I found a family that took me in. I had a sister now. Her name was Mikasa. Mikasa's family were actually hiding our from anyone who would tried to kill them because of Mikasa's mother's race. Asians were rare nowadays. That day they were found while I was in the forest. When I got back I witnessed the whole thing and ran back into the woods. Unbeknownst to Julia, a father and a son visited the cabin and realized something was wrong. The father, Grisha Yeager, told his son to stay put. The boy, Eren Yeager, didn't listen and killed two of the thugs. Mikasa killed the third. They were taken in by Grisha but not before Miaksa informed Grisha about Julia who ran into the woods when the thugs attacked. The group couldn't find me because I was hiding. Someone else found me after they left. His name was Erwin Smith. He took me to what I now called home. The Scout Regiment barracks. Mia nodded. She felt Miche pick her up and carry her back to his horse and he rode towards a group that were dressed similarly to him. Brown jackets, weird straps, white jeans, tall dark boots and a forest green cloak with white and blue wings on the back. When we got back, there was another child there, a girl like her. She wore what looked like a mini version of their uniform, minus the straps. I look at the girl. "I'm Julia. What's your name?" I smile. Miche nodded at Erwin. The girl waved a little. "Mia. Mia Kamado." She replied softly. She was looking at me up and down. I guess it made sense considering my clothes were probably unusual to her. Two years after Wall Maria fell, Mia and Julia joined the military to become soldiers. Mia was adopted by Mike but she wanted to keep her last name because she told them how she wanted to carry out the family name. They understood. The general, Keith Shadis was a scray dude, even scarier than Levi was. Mia could sense it. She remembers when he saw her, he looked like he just saw something that wasn't there. He was confused about the girl. He asked Mia for her name and she said it, sparking a look of what looked like either interest or surprise. But quickly he shook it off and moved on. Mia was confused to say the least. Then he got to me. When it was Julia's turn, she introduced herself with the proper salute and some of the others whispered amongst themselves, definitely about how she shares the same last name and Commander Erwin Smith. "Smith hmm? You're Erwin's daughter correct?" "Yes sir!" I say proudly. "I expect big things from you!" Shadis yelled. "Yes sir!" Roll call went on as usual until Shadis got to a girl eating a potato and basically lost his cool times two. She introduced herself but Mia wasn't paying attention. She was more cornered as to why she had a potato and where she got it from. Then she said something that made everyone's eyes blow out of their head, including herself. She then gave him half of her potato, even though it was more like a tenth of it. And before we knew it, roll call ended and we were allowed to eat. The potato eating girl got forced to run laps without dinner. Mia actually felt really bad for her. She sat outside with some other cadets and Julia. Mia removed her jacket and straps like most people did and was wearing my pants and a black blouse. An odd piece of clothing honestly. Most cadets wore pull over shirts but a few had blouses but they were either white or a very light gray. No one had a black one like she did. Mia was listening to some of the cadets' conversation but not much as she was lost in her thoughts, letting the wind ruffle her hair which was in a ponytail, showing off her hanafuda earrings. A lot of people crowded around me asking a ton of questions. I felt uncomfortable. "Mia! Help!" Upon hearing her best friend's cry for help, she got up and went over to her and and placed a hand on her shoulder to ground her. "Everyone, please, give her one question at a time." Mia said. However, the moment she stepped forward to the crowd, all their eyes were now on her, taking in her unique appearance. I sigh softly. "I'm getting seconds." Mia nodded and let her. The other cadets were crowding her and asking questions about everything. Her hair, eye color, her earrings, and the distinct mark on the left side of her forehead. She was a bit overwhelmed and excused herself by walking away. Unfortunately, she bumped into someone shorter than her. The person made a noise of surprise and backed away. It was a boy, blond hair styled in a short bob with bangs and big light blue eyes. He was adorable to say the last. "Oh sorry." I ate silently. I can't wait to get out of here. I don't need more training. Dad only sent me here to make more friends my age. "Oh no. I'm sorry. I'm the one who bumped you." She said, shaking her head. "I'm Armin. Mia right?" Mia nodded. "Yeah! And I remember you, you're one of the kids from Shinganshina." Her tone became soft. "I'm really sorry about what happened. That must've been terrifying." "It was!" I roll my eyes. Mia is getting along with everyone. Mia sighed softly. "I'm glad you made out." She shyly placed a hand on Armin's shoulder. She could sense sadness in Armin but also relief as she said her words of affirmation. Armin smiled then looked at Julia. "Your friend seems sad." I continued eating. Mia looked at her and sniffed the air. She could smell her sadness and....jealousy. Mia frowned a bit and hummed. "I know what's wrong with you. Could you give me a moment please, Armin?" She asked politely. "Nothings wrong, I just don't want to be here. I don't need more training. Dad only sent me here to make more friends my age." I cross my arms. Mia sighed softly. "I understand you're annoyed that Erwin sent you here. But look on the bright side, you'll learn teamwork and working with others and heck, maybe you'll learn a new trick that Levi didn't teach you yet." She said, nibbling on the bread they gave us as part of dinner. "You were trained under Captain Levi?!" Armin exclaimed knowing Eren would be interested in the conversation. Mia flinched at Armin's sudden sentence. "Uhhh.... y-yeah. Julia was trained by Levi." She said, while Julia nodded. "He's my cousin." Mia nodded to her statement. Eren ran over. "What was that about Captain Levi?!" 'Oh no.' Mia thought to herself as the boy Armin dubbed as Eren came over. She looked at him and thought he looked familiar but didn't say anything yet. Mikasa followed close behind him. I spotted her. "Oh hi Mika. How've you been? It's been awhile." "Good." Mikasa simply replied. "I get it if you're still mad at me for running away when mom and dad were murdered." Mikasa shook her head. "It's okay. I forgive you. It was three years ago." She said softly. I smiled softly and nodded. "So Eren, want to join the scouts?" Said boy looked at Julia and nodded fervently. "Yeah I do!" "What squad?" 'So he wants to join the Scouts too? Huh. Maybe we'll see each other more.' Mia thought to myself. Then that's when she noticed his eyes. Those eyes. She recognize him. Eren told Julia. "Levi squad? Then you need to be the best out of the best. My cousin shows no mercy." "You're Levi's cousin?!" Armin exclaimed softly. I nodded. "My real name is Julia Ackerman. My father is Levi's uncle. He abandoned me, Mikasa's family found me, then I ran away, and Erwin found me." Mikasa looked almost surprised by this news. She shared Julia's last name. I looked at Mikasa. "Mom was Levi's aunt." Mia watched the four converse. She finished her dinner long ago and was now playing a necklace she wore. It had her mom and dad's wedding rings on them. They took them off when they started to work more to keep themselves safe and made it into a "two charm" necklace for her. Mikasa was confused by that. Was she related to this Levi? Maybe if she met him, she could tell. "Captain Levi Ackerman of the scout regiment, humanity's strongest soldier." I say proudly. Eren was excited about the news.

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