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Mia got up from the table, mildly annoyed that Julia was giving way too much information to strangers. Sure, Armin seemed like a sweet boy and she knew Mikasa but you can never be too safe plus it's a bit rude to do so. But she was more happy that Julia was finally opening up without needing my help. She walked out of the Mess Hall to get some fresh air, unaware of someone watching me. That person happened to be Jean Kirstein. Aka Horse Face. Mia was outside, enjoying the fresh air when she felt someone stand beside her. She looked and saw a boy, a bit taller than her with light brown hair with an undercut as well and a long face and light brown eyes. "Hey." He said softly but was also cocky. "Hi." I replied softly. "What are you doing out here all alone? Shouldn't you be with your friends?" "My friend is busy talking to others about something that doesn't involve me. At first, I went over to check on her because she seemed sad but then another I made friends with got distracted by something I said and started asking her questions. Then that brought over two others, one she already knew, and they all started talking, leaving me with no one to talk to. So, I came out here for some air." Mia explained briefly. "Oh well I'm Jean Kirstein. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand. Mia was shy about shaking his hand. Something you should know about her is that her hands are that the palms are slightly calloused from working a lot when she lived in the mountains. Even after she left, she still worked with the scouts with cleaning and doing other chores. She shyly took his hand and shook it, hoping he won't say anything negative about her hand. "Nice to meet you Jean. I'm Mia. Mia Kamado." She said with a closed eyed smile. "Mia Kamado. That's a pretty name." Mia blushed lightly. "Thank you Jean." She said with a small bow of her head. "Of course." "Why are you out here? Needed some air too?" "Yeah it's kinda noisy the there." Mia nodded. "Yeah. It is." She said softly. "It's peaceful out here." He moved closer to her. Mia felt him move closer to her but didn't see anything wrong with it honestly. "You're really beautiful." Mia blushed lightly. She was used to getting compliments on my appearance. If anything, she got compliments more on her working skills and personality which she really liked. But a compliment about her appearance made her feel different. "You think so?" She asked softly. Jean wrapped his arm around her. "Absolutely. I've never seen a girl as beautiful as you." Mia was surprised by his forwardness and blushed a little again. "Oh wow. Thank you." She said, mildly surprised, but still smiled. Jean smiled. "Of course beautiful~" he kissed her hand. Mia gasped softly at the action and her blush slightly intensified. "Well I must get going my friends are calling me. See you in the morning love." He kissed her cheek. Mia gasped a bit louder at the action and blushed. "Okay." She said softly, completely confused. Jean smiled softly and blew her a kiss. Mia smiled softly but she was freaking out on the inside. What just happened? I had an aura coming of me. The trio came concerned. "Um.... Julia? What's wrong?" Armin asked nervously. "Horse Face just kissed Mia." I growled. The trio was surprised. Was she taken advantage of? "Someone should go check on her." Armin suggested. "The poor girl probably doesn't even know what happened. She's too innocent for this world. Eren you go check on her." Mia was still in a state of surprise at what just happened. She heard footsteps coming outside. She thought it was Jean at first but it was that brunette boy with turquoise eyes. "Hey, we saw what happened. Julia is concerned that he took advantage of you. He didn't make do anything you didn't want to right?" Mia looked at the boy. She told him in detail about what happened. She told him he did kiss her but only her hand and cheek. Eren sighed in relief. "Ok good. If he does anything you don't like tell us ok." Mia was confused but she nodded. "Oh. Um, okay." She said, a light blush blossoming onto her cheeks and the tip of her nose. Looking at him up close was kind of crazy. He was a rare beauty honestly. His tan skin, beautiful face and shape, soft, fluffy brown hair. But what drew her in were those turquoise eyes. They were big and paired with long eyelashes that many girls would be jealous of. They made her heart skip a beat. Eren felt the same way and a crush blossomed during the three years of camp. I wouldn't meet my crush this after we join a squad and we hated each other. During those three years, Eren Yeager and Mia bonded over training. We taught each other different moves and tricks and he even opened up about his past. Watching his mother get eaten by a Titan. She felt so bad for him that, that's when she gave him the first hug we shared. He comforted her when she couldn't get results during training or never seemed to get Shadis' praises as much as other great cadets. He made her feel safe and happy.

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