Eren's trial

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The trial started with Levi, Erwin, Mikasa, Armin and myself and civilians. Eren was tied to a metal pole and it both angered and upsetted Mia. Levi beat the shit out of him after Eren gave a speech calling almost everyone a coward because they accused Mikasa of being a Titan too. Mikasa almost tried to beat the crap out of Levi but Armin held her back. Mia wanted to do something but she couldn't. Plus, Erwin placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. I was stuck with the Levi squad. Oluo and I were currently fighting. "Shut up old man!" Other members of the squad, Eld, Gunther and Petra sighed, annoyed that there was already drama. The trial ended with Eren being free for now. If the next Expedition failed, Eren would be set to death. Erwin took me in a room where Eren was and Hange tending to his wounds. Mia instantly goes over to him and hug him, careful of any possible injuries. Oluo growled at the insult. "Bitch!" Eld broke up the fight. "Alright, break it up you two! Do I need to tell the Captain that you two are already fighting?!" "He started it!" I point at Oluo. "No, she did!" Oluo pointed at Julia. "Just stop please! Captain will be back soon. Just behave yourselves!" Eld exclaimed. "Fine." I sigh. Oluo reluctantly agreed. Mia sighed softly but nodded. "Okay. Thanks." I whispered. "Ok let's head back meet up with squad Levi and Julia." Erwin said. I sit on one of the benches. Mia and Eren followed Erwin and Levi to see the Levi Squad. "They're here." Petra said. The Squad straightened up as Levi, Erwin, Eren and myself arrive. Erwin smiled at me and I smiled back. "Hey dad. How was it?" "A success." Erwin explained the situation to the squad. I smiled brightly. The squad nodded but was confused about me calling Erwin dad. Eren would join Levi Squad since he's under Levi's supervision. Mia was worried that she wouldn't be placed anywhere but Erwin solved the problem by stating that she seemed to have a positive influence or something on Eren and that she should stay with him. Also because her skills would be great for the squad. I hugged Mia tightly. "Yay! We get to kick some ass together!" I say excitedly. Mia giggled and hugged back. "Yeah! We do." Oluo roll his eyes. "Ok greenhorns listen up!" Mia looked at the man. 'Doesn't that mean 'bad luck'?' She thought to herself. I looked at Mia and nodded, knowing what she was thinking. Mia quirked an eyebrow at him. Who was he calling 'Green Horns?' The jerk. "Already yelled at him for it." I smirk at him." The man rolled his eyes, scoffing. I giggled softly. We got on horses, Julia sharing with Levi and me sharing with Eren. That boy from eariler was talking about the old Headquarters we're heading to before he tried to talk crap to Eren. Before Mia could do anything, he bit his tongue rather hard, surprising both her and Eren. The man screamed in pain. I giggled softly. "Serves him right." Mia bit back a laugh and hid her face with her cloak.

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