Eren's Escape

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I heard Hange. I looked at Oluo. "They can't be serious?! Eren escaped." "Shit. How did he get out?" "I suspect the outsiders." "Shit. Of course. There's been a lot of protesters demanding for Eren's freedom lately." I growled. "Now we need to find him again. Son of a bitch." Oluo nodded and stood up. "I knew he was trouble from the beginning." He grumbled. I grabbed his hand. "He left Mia too! That bastard!" Oluo scoffed. He wasn't a big fan of Mia but no one deserved to be left behind like that. Hange passed Julia and Oluo. I sighed softly. We heard Hange talking to Mia about Eren. Oluo watches me and my cadets train. Oluo watched Julia train the cadets. Despite the new threat, he noticed Julia staying as calm as possible. We finished training when Hange called a meeting. Soon, everyone was in the Mess Hall. I lean against Oluo. "As you may know, Eren Jeager escaped. We need to come up with a plan to find him and get him back. We also need to find out who stole the keys to the cell and released him." Hange said. I look at Oluo. Everyone nodded. We talked about it some a little bit. "He betrayed everyone." I whispered. Oluo was livid. He couldn't believe Eren actually went through it. I was laying down and Oluo was pacing around the room practically yelling about the situation. "I knew that twat couldn't be trusted! From day 1! Now look at this! He's escaped to who knows where and we have possible traitor on our hands!" "Oluo, honey, calm down your going to end up biting your tongue again." I say worried. "I am calm!" Oluo exclaimed, accidentally biting his tongue in the process. Him doing that, ended up calming him down. I sighed. "Come on. Let's go get an ice pack." Oluo nodded. The couple got an ice pack for Oluo's tongue. We got back upstairs. "This is why you need stop being so stressed." I sighed. "You need to be more careful honey." Oluo groaned softly in pain as he placed the ice pack on his mouth. I rub his back. Oluo hummed softly. "Thanks." "Of course sweetheart." Oluo nodded. They returned back to where Hange and the others were. Eld and Gunther look at Oluo. "Did you bite your tongue again?" They ask chuckling. Oluo grumbled but nodded. They looked at me. Once everyone was back, they talked about what they would do. We made a plan. We were to go into town and try to find him since there's a group called the Yeagerists that are helping him. Mikasa at one point, made an accusation that Mia was the one who let Eren out since she's always gone. She defended herself saying that she has visited him and been in his cell but she just wanted to talk to him like we used to and it was wrong of her to accuse her like that. We all left for town on horseback. Oluo also grew suspicious of Mia and so did I. I avoided her.

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