Erwin's Execution

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The next day went on as normal. Doing chores, cooking meals, look out duty, Eren's experiments. However this time, something happened. While listening to a conversation with Eren Christa; now Historia, Hange had returned from visiting the Walls with some shocking news. Erwin was to be executed! Not only that but Pastor Nick's was tortured and murdered; and we had to evacuate. I panicked a little. "Dad's going to be executed....." I whispered. Oluo hugged me. We all left and hid in the hills, watching the Military Police search for us. We learn that we are to turn in Eren and Historia. They were bringing everything out to the open now. They were willing to do anything to keep the secrets of the Walls hidden. We used wigs on Jean and Armin. All of us were scared. Especially me. I hugged Oluo tightly. "I'm scared Hun." Oluo held her. "It'll be alright." The plan was set in motion when the kidnappers took the bait. We fought against the thugs and we learned that if necessary from Mikasa that Levi instructed us to kill people. I had no problem killing someone. I came from the underground after all.

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