First Date

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"We get to go home." I smile. "Can we go out. Like on a date." "Of course we can." Oluo said. I smiled. The Og squad all rushed back to the castle. I got changed into a nice black dress. Oluo changed clothes as well. I finished my hair and makeup and knocked on Oluo's door. Oluo opened it and whistled. "You look beautiful." "You look handsome." "Thank you. Shall we go?" "We shall." As we were about to leave Levi stop us. "What are you two doing?" Levi asked, eyebrow quirked up knowingly. "Going on date." I say proudly. Levi hummed and looked at the two before sighing. "Just be careful brats. We just got out of outlaw territory." "We know Levi. Don't worry." Levi rolled his eyes. "I have to or else things go wrong." I smiled. "We'll be going now." Oluo decided to take me out to dinner. Levi let them leave. We head over to the restaurant Oluo picked. Oluo hoped she liked it. We made it. I noticed Oluo was smiling. Oluo was excited to do this. I hold his arm as we walked in. It was a pretty nice place. It seemed expensive. I was a little nervous. It was our first date together. "Don't worry about anything." Oluo whispered. I nodded as we sat down. The date started and it was going smoothly.  Oluo took this as a chance to just be honest and himself. He wanted Julia to get to know the real him. He's always trying to look cool to impress her. Oluo started to break the cocky facade and show his real self. Oluo was actually a very soft spoken guy. I asked him the reason he puts up the facade. "Oluo why do you hide your true self? I would love to see the real you more often." I smile. Oluo explained it was because he originally did it to impress Petra and make her forget her crush on Levi. Then he did it to keep Julia interested in him and not to be seen as boring. I held his hands. "You're not boring. You're amazing just the way you are." I kiss his hand. I love you no matter what." "Really?" "Yes baby. It's all true." Oluo blushed lightly but smiled. "Thank you." I smiled too. "Of course baby. You are perfect." Oluo smiled and kissed her hand. "Thank you angel." I blushed. We ordered our food. Oluo chuckled softly. I hum. Afterwards, Oluo paid. Oluo then told me to close my eyes. He picked me up and took me somewhere. Oluo took her somewhere she'll definitely love.

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